Wednesday, April 13, 2011
A. 12 Bar facing burpees on the minute for 5 minutes
Rest 0 seconds
B. OHS – 10 reps x 5 sets, rest 30 seconds between sets – 120#/90#
Rest 0 seconds
C. 1 Muscle up every 30 seconds x 10 sets
Rest 5 minutes
D. Technical and speed work on above movements, low volume for remaining time
Coach’s notes: Post notes for all sets to comments. For those not doing muscle ups just work on progressions in part C and D. For movement standards visit here.
Finished warm up feeling good… then the burpees did me in.
A: completed 48 burpees.
B: OHS @ 75 lbs did 50 in 10 sets
Great class Michelle thanks
A) Between 35-45sec , the turning makes you dizzy
B) ~20mins to do 30 as rx’d
Thanks Michelle
A) 12/12/12/12/12 – 35-48 seconds/set
B) OHS – 50 reps @ 52 lbs, frist 2 sets unbroken, then 6/4 each set. very hard on the wrists.
thanks michelle, nice work allison!
A. as rx’d….agreed Allison….very dizzy; 60 of ’em is not goning to be fun!
B. did OHS yesterday so skipped this part
C. 5 muscle ups- about 45 sec rest between…..first 4 felt great….couldn’t lock out at the top of the 5th one….. 🙁
A. As rx’d
B. 120# 2 then fail / 91# 7,3 / 91# 5,2 then fail / 70# 10 / 70# 10
Supraspinatus = not good.
A.) As rx’d, I agree these are going to suck
B.) Did 3 sets as rx’d. Took an extra 10-15 seconds rest between Rounds 2 and 3.
C.) As rx’d.
Thanks DJ, this WOD is going to be interesting.
A. 12/10/7/8/6 – just went non-stop for last 4 ends
B. 75# x 4-6 reps
C. As rx’d
A. As rx’d, rnd 1&2 about 35 seconds, rnd 3 45 seconds, 4&5 50 seconds.
B. Did 5 sets of 5 at rx’d weight
C. Got 5, failed 6, got 7 and 8, called it a day.
Very sore and tired today; body didn’t have much to offer.
A: Rounds 1 and 2 full reps, rest pretty much continuous burpees and definitely less than 12 a minute.
B: Scaled to 42# for my back and b/c it was all that I could keep overhead today. 10 reps x 5 sets
C: jumping muscle-up followed by a negative. Didn’t keep track of reps.
Thanks a lot Todd! It was great seeing you again; hope your neck/arm gets better soon!
great WOD, I actually felt like I did 50% of what was asked of me, which is a big improvement 🙂 OHS is getting easier and i’m now fixated on learning muscle-up within the next 6 mos.
Inspiring wod – thanks dj
A: 12/12/12/10/10 – harder than I thought they’d be.
B: Did 45 reps over 6 sets. Tried a few at 95# in the warmup, but still causing a lot of pain in my wrist, so dropped to 75# which was a bearable pain at least.
C: jumping muscle-up, and then a negative as best as I could. Tried one Rx’d at the end, and got close but couldn’t quite transition myself to the dip position.
Thanks Todd! Fun times; best of luck on Saturday everybody!
A. 12/11/8/8/8
B. 32lbs – 10 reps x 5 sets
C. Worked on jumping muscle up and negative (although the negative didn’t usually last long!)
Thanks Todd!
Still sore from running on Sunday and then wall balls on Monday (rest day on Tuesday). My OHS are weak at best so this was an….um…. interesting WOD.
A: As rx’d
B: 45lbs (just the bar), nothing above this felt comfortable at all. Reps as rx’d.
C: Technique, worked on jumping muscle ups. Tried a couple at the end and can’t quite make the transition…
Good luck on the weekend everyone!
Thanks DJ.
Still sore from Mondays workout = hard time with this workout
A: 12/12/12/11/11
B: 120#x5,120#x5,120#x3,120#x1,120#x2 Had a really hard time woth OHS today
C: Practiced negatives for Muscle ups
A: WOW 1 minute flew by..basically from rd 2 on I just kept going and didn’t stop until the 5 minutes ended.. slow motion burpees.
B: Did not attempt 90#, did this with 75 and it was hard..I just did as many as I could each time and took more than 30 seconds rest. (average 7-8 each time).
Didn’t get to C.
Thanks Todd, great class as always!