Wednesday, April 1, 2009
1 round for time:
25 Jumping Burpees
750 m Row
25 Jumping Burpees
Coach’s notes: Position bar 10 inches above reach with both hands overhead for jumping burpees. Guys use 65 lbs and gals 45 lbs for the Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDLHP). Post time to complete to comments.
Jumping burpees with bar 10″ above reach…huh? I checked out OPT’s website as well as CF. No idea how this ex. is supposed to be done. Thanks for any help…
burpees are done as normal except you now have to jump and touch a target (bar) that is 10 inches above your max reach with both arms outstretched overhead. Basically this is forcing you to jump higher…. hope that helps
16:40 as rx’d… maybe should have scaled the SDLHPs
Great pic…ahhh to be a kid again
18:00 minutes 44#SDLHP
Thanks, deejay…
17:50 – sub’d 800 m run since the rowing machines are never available to me when I’m there it seems.
14:40 as rx’d…that was a good one today…Thanks for a great class Michelle
15:16- 38.5# SDLHP….try 4 Rx’d weight next time.
Great class Michelle!
Good fun today. Thanks Michelle!
10:45 as Rx’d
16:29 as Rx’d
Great work today!!!! Including set up and take down….thanks!
14:35 as rx’d
poor fuel yesterday means it was a struggle today.
Tomorrow will be better :o)
13:48 as rx’d
Second set of burpees was really slow.
14:22 as rx’d
sick today but I did not pay attention to it
Good work Cory and Chantel!
Adelle – as Rx’d – 17:05
Rick – 12:36 – used 52# as my shoulder has been a bit sore
Good workout.
14:54 – 44.5
So far one of my favorite workouts! They keep surprising me.
17:09 as rx’d
Neil – 19:56
Judy – 18:56 75 lb deadlifts for sumos
Tough workout especially the burpees
The first set of burpees wasn’t too bad and the first 15 or so SDLHP’s were OK. The rest was unpleasant.
scaled SDLHP to 38.5lbs
SDLHP’s felt terrible. Low back kept tightening up and in turn I had to take long breaks in between sets. tough but really fun workout!
K: 15:51
Mo: April Fool’s Day seems like a fine day for my first post…14:09 as rx’d
ML – 17:05 as rx’d
D – 15:00 as rx’d
11:18 as rx’d….took me 3 minutes to do the last of burpees…