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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

A.  3 rounds for time of:


200m Dumbbell Farmer Carry – 45#/30#
15 Push Jerk


3 Rounds for time of:

Run 400m
5 Strict Weighted Pull-ups – 45#/30#

B.  Spend ALL time remaining on Ring and Bar Muscle-ups, progressions and related movements (dips, false grip pull-ups, assisted, etc.)

Coach’s notes:

Post time to complete A and notes for B to comments.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 9

A. 20:59 @ 40#
B. First 5 strict muscle-ups in about 18 months.
Thanks OG!

Held a small lead until the last 2 rounds of the second set and had to let Ragnar beat me!!!!!!
Amazing work by the 9:30 Crew, honestly, great pull-ups, good pacing and overall STRONG fitnessing!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the Crew Wolfe. This guy’s a beast.

Nice work on the STRICT muscle-ups Coach.

14:49 Rx

Couldn’t believe how hard the farmers carries were. Had to break them up about three times per round. Push jerks did unbroken, did my best to use all hips And bud no shoulders. Weighted pull-ups I did with a belt.

So much fun to chase after Coach Brett Marshall.

Thanks OG! Great work today 9:30 AM

Rx’d first part, swapped to a kB midway through pull-ups.
Thanks Derek!

18:08 with 25# – forearms were on 🔥!!

Single tiny red band for one round
Bodyweight for last 2 rounds

Run for the first time in a loooong time. Test my feet.
Do more 5 more than I think I can do. Pace carefully.

Rx 45lbs
Farmers carry
R1 no drops
R2 2 drop
R3 3 drops

Push Jerks
Did 15 first round.
5/5/5 second round
11/4 third round

Time: 21:50

Pull-ups – body weight
Used rings first set to focus on getting my elbows back. Did singles for last two. I am amazed how well I did unassisted. Can’t remember time.

So happy to “run” today.

A) 17:17, #45 for carries, #25 for pull-ups.
B) Worked on speed of ring drive-through.

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