Tuesday, September 21, 2021
3 rounds for time:
25 Dumbbell Push Jerks – 50#/35#/hand
50 Double Unders
25 Weighted Step-ups – 24”/20”
50 Double Unders
Practice skipping with any time remaining.
25 Dumbbell Push Jerks – 50#/35#/hand
50 Double Unders
25 Weighted Step-ups – 24”/20”
50 Double Unders
Practice skipping with any time remaining.
I did 30# and I did 100 single unders. I probably did 50 double unders throughout the entire workout.
This was really hard but I really want my double unders now!
19:10 with 30# dumbbells. Double unders felt strong and efficient today. Broke up the push jerks and step ups into sets of 10+10+5. Really enjoyed this workout even with very sore legs from yesterday!
Thanks Brett! Also music was A+!
Rx – 16:19
Did this at the GoodLife in Sudbury (with a a few strange looks). Also, as soon as I was done my step ups, someone starting using my box as a table for their phone. I don’t think they even saw me. Globo gyms are strange…
R1: 25 unbroken jerks / 50 unbroken double unders / slow and steady / 50 unbroken double unders
R2: 15, 10 jerks / 2 trips / slower and kind of steady / 2 trips
R3: 10, 8, 7 jerks / 1 trip / slowest and painful / 50 unbroken double unders
Jerks went well, tried to keep weight in heels as much as possible.
Double unders we’re disappointing. Should go unbroken with so few reps.
Step ups… go f*ck yourself. No easy way to do it, just had to do them. Tried mixing it up by putting the dumbbell on my shoulders and farmers carry. Nothing was comfy.
Miss you guys.
I knew this wasn’t about using two different weights, so I used 25# and the lowest stool to see how my back would handle the step-ups. Using swings lit up my back real quick so I stuck with staying vertical. 25# was way too light for my jerks after finishing at 12:55 so I added another set using 45# dumbells. Finished at around 18 min. I managed to squeeze out 25 reps… barely.
The step-ups with 45# with a low stool were still fine as long as I didn’t go off balance. Can’t quite use the box yet. Getting there. Did 100 reps of singles for jump rope, trying for a few double unders. The impact is still affecting my back and feet a little. The best attempt with healing body parts so far. Glad I added the forth set.
16:54, and I even used the “big” box with me short legs!!!!!!!!
Aaaaaah, son of a gun, never saw Coach Ragnar’s post until now, so didn’t know that I needed to shave a little time off this one………………but I see in his comments that he used a racked position for some of his step-ups, tisk, tisk, not at CFC!!!!!!!!!
Great job on this one Crew, sooooo many of you out today, was really nice to see and fun to coach the 6am and 9:30am:)
40# in round 1, 35# for 2 and 3.
Push jerks were a challenge today
24″ box. Terrible, I’m just short enough to make it each one a max effort event.
DU. Went with alternating SU/DU.