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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

30, 20, 10 rep rounds fot time:

Knees to Elbows


Back Extension


OH Walking Lunges

Push Ups

DB Push Press

DB Hang Squat Clean

DB Deadlift

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 65 lbs for SDLHP, gals 45 lbs, 20 and 14 lbs for wallballs and OH walking lunges and 25 lbs and 15 lbs per hand for push press, hang squat clean and deadlift.  Post time to complete to comments.

Comapre to June 5, 2010

Comments: 26


@ 6 a.m.
5 rounds for time
6 squat cleans I used 42#
12 Toes to bar
24 Double unders
The toes to bar were terrible this morning (had my first ever tear so I must have been pushing), but I think my squat cleans are getting better. Thanks Laura and Colin for the coaching. Great work Doug and Krista!

See Adelle’s! Thanks Adelle- 12:38 as rx’d
Used 75 for squat cleans
Great work everyone!!! Thanks Colin & Laura!
Guess I’ll have to make up this chipper sometime this week! Want to do it!

25:20 as rx’d, beat my old time by over 5 and a half minutes. Happy about the improvement. Thanks for a great class Michelle. Great job everyone in the morning class.

34:45, this one really got to me. Body shut down about halfway through first round, was not fun. Want to do this one again, but not anytime soon.

Everyone did great in the 9:30 class, thanks Michelle.

38:24 w/ some scaling. Wallballs, in particular, were interesting. Think the ball I used was possessed. Anyway, I like to provide entertainment value for my instructor, right Michelle?? 🙂

Great job to the morning crew…way to crush that WOD, Chelsea!!

34:15 (Wallballs @10lbs) I did better than I thought Chelsea, good thing I wrote my time down. Must have been the wallball to the face that messed up the brain. Great job everyone this morning.
Happy Birthday Michelle and Ali!

Happy Birthday Michelle and Ali!

This was a tuff one. First time in the gym for 10 days, bronchitis sucks.

20# Medicine Ball
20# Dumbbells


The gals really took the guys to school in the 9:30 AM Class. Thanks for the encouragement young Michelle.

32:23 great WOD!!!!

44:25 min . Sub Back extension for anchored sit ups. My “hamstrings” are done! I was limping all day today!

Happy Birthday, Ali and Michelle! Great shot of Vijai!! 🙂

38:21 as rx’d.

I started slow to pace it, and just got slower!

As always, DB squat cleans are a very slow movement!

37:46; wall balls and walking lunge @12lbs; K2E still need contact!
Thanks Kris….. a “lovely” class.

45:10 as rx’d

What an amazing WOD!

41:05 as Rx’d
Thanks Kris!

34:30 as rx’d….shoulder not liking me very much right now 🙁
Chelsea….you are a MACHINE! Happy bday Michelle & Ali!!
Thanks Kris!

36:22 as rx’d- That was a good one! K2E getting a little better- did 12 in a row to start, then it was back to normal. Nice work in the 6pm class, thanks Kris!
Happy Birthday to two super coaches/people (Ali and Michelle)!!!!

Happy Birthday Ali!! Happy Birthday Michelle! Hope you girls have a fabulous day!!!
Still looks like an awesome wod! Nice work everyone!!

Thanks everyone. Happy Birthday Ali!
Maria that wallball was possessed!!! It’s like it was coming after you. Please know I was laughing while feeling empathy for you :).
Nice work on this WOD guys and gals!

As rx’d 34:20 great job to everyone in the 5 class! Way to push through the slog!!!

Neil as rx’d for 2 rds then ran out of time
Judy as usual not rx’d for 2 rds and also ran out of time
Happy Birthday Michelle and Ali! Chelsea we hope you had a great Birthday too!
Way to go Chelsea with this WOD it was a tough one!

Made it to round 20 of the SDLHP and had to shut er down due to puking. First time meeting the clown, not good. Will give it another go on Saturday and hopefully finish it off.


1 round as rx’d
then sub walking lunges for overhead lunges and did not do the DB Hang Squat Clean because of time

Thanks Kris, sorry for keeping you late

Chelsea just amazing

Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone!!!
Happy Birthday to you too Michelle!
Unfortunately, I was on a plane back from San Diego so I couldn’t do this WOD.
Too bad 🙂

Thanks for the notes on the 6 am class Adelle. Good work all…thanks Laura and Colin.


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