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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

10 rounds for time:

Row 25 Calories

15 DB Walking Lunges

5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

1:00 Rest

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 45 lbs per hand and gals 30 lbs per hand for walking lunges.  Post time to complete (lest rest) to comments.

Comments: 16

6 am workout with James (aka BIG DAWG):

AMR in 20 minutes of – 1) 12 KBS UNBROKEN
2) 250 m sprint row
3) 12 push ups

Completed 8 rounds. Thanks James!

6 am workout

AMR in 20 minutes of – 1)

2) 250 m sprint row
3) 15 push ups 4 sets of Regular/4 sets of Knees.

Completed 8 rounds.

6 a.m. as above
12 KB Rick 1 pod, Adelle .7
250 sprint row
15 push ups Rick full, Adelle knees
Rick 8 rounds plus KB and Row
Adelle 7 rounds plus KB
Also did 6 sets of 15 GHD sit-ups which was just a perfect way to end a great morning.

6 a.m. : see above, 7 rounds – KBS (1 pood), push ups were from knees. I woke up very quickly! Thanks James.

31:00 – 9:00 = 22:00 as Rx

41:25-9:00 = 32:25 as Rx’d
Toughest one on me, mentally, in a very long time!

This will teach me to go on vaction…

53:49 – 9 min – 2 min (2nd group) = 42:49
Scaled to 30 lb db for first 6, 25 for remaining 4 sets. Chest to bar with blue band.

39:25 total time, 30:25 work time as rx’d, thanks Laura great workout. Hope your hands heal up quickly Erin.

43:40 -9:00 = 34:30..thanks Laura for a great class tonight…excited for rest tomorrow. Yes Chelsea I will be wrapping the hands tonight

48:56 (-9 39:56) OMG I suck! not sure why I took so long perhaps too many rests ?? row was hard too!
Thanks Laura great class – nice work girls wow! I definitely need some improvement here!
**note to Brett** just when my hands are better you throw this one at me! I’m with Erin wrapping!

53:34 ?? less the 9 44:34
scaled the DB to 35#’s

36:03 – 9:00 = 27:03 as rx’d.


The slow parts for me were the transition from the row to the lunges, and the break I took in the middle of the lunges every round. Total time for the rows was 9:29 for a distance of around 2900m.

As rx’d almost! Realized that we were supposed to rest 1:00 between rounds in my 4th round so did 10 rounds with no rest all else as rx’d total time 38:15.

40:33 as Rx’d aswell I didn’t realise the rest till round 4 and figured I just try it without rest which was probably not the best idea

41min as rx’d

37:09 – 9:00= 28:09 as rxd. need to work on my lunges lost alot of time here. Great wod

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