Tuesday, October 5, 2010
1 round for time:
750 m Row
50 Sit-ups
50 Back Extensions
50 Wallballs
50 DB Deadlift
750m row
Coach’s notes: Guys use 95#, gals 65# for SDLHP, 20# and 14# for wallballs and 50#/hand and 35#/hand for deadlift. Post time to complete to comments.
Compare to Septenber 5, 2010
6:00 am Class
5 rounds with a 2 min rest after each round
300 m row
25 wall balls
18:50 including rest time
Thank you Laura and Colin, good work guys!
Looks like a good wod today – boo I can’t make it in … Alvaro!!! Where’s your post from yesterday??? Did you make +200# on your front squat!!??
As Rx’d ~22mins, I laid on the ground for about 30 seconds afterwards and forgot to look at the time.
Great coaching today Michelle, thanks for the push on the last row. Everyone did awesome today in the 9:30 am class. Congrats Angela on your Rx’d.
Colleen- 21:05 but not rx’d. SDLHP – 35lbs.
Wallballs – 8 lbs.
Deadlifts – 25 lbs.
Shoulder was not happy today. Thank you Michelle for the great coaching!
Thanks Allison
24:50 as Rx’d. Wallballs killed me. Row time was better.
Last time 23:13 but did 44lbs SDLHP and 10lb WB
Thanks Michelle for the help getting through today
Great job everyone
Wall Ball 20#
DB Deadlifts 40#/Hand
Great Class Michelle!
As Rx. 24:48
As rx’d 18:40
Since Angela did the WOD as Rx’d, the challenge was issued.
24:28 as Rx’d
Wallballs were tough. I have to work on catching them more with my hands and less with my face. 🙂
Great work 5pm class!!
Thanks DJ
52 lb SDLHP and 12lb wall ball. Thank you, DJ.
As rx’d 23:12
DL 55#/hand
24:55 as Rx’d
Thanks Michelle!
25:03- next time will be better! Nice times in the 5pm class! Thanks DJ and thanks Michelle for the push on those deadlifts!!
22:23 SCALED
30lb SDLHP
8lb wallball
20lb/hand DB
22.01 as rx’d.
Nearly a solo workout ,thanks Dave for joining me.
The 7 class rocks, 5 o’clock suckers you don’t know what your missing out on……
Thanks for the feedback Blaine, Dave and Laura.
As Rx’d 20:00 happy with this time. Last time was 21:22
22:40 scaled
8# WB
Used the 1 poods instead of DB
Fun but tough WOD. Thanks Michelle!
Sorry ment to say Michelle not Laura
25:00 scaled
14# WB
35# DB Deadlifts
2nd Crossfit workout ever; I’ve got sore muscles that I didn’t know existed! Fun times though; best atmosphere I’ve ever worked out in by a long shot.
Thanks DJ for the corrections in my technique.
24:47 as slightly more than rx’d used 1.5 pood kettle bells instead of the 50 pound dumbbells
20:00 on the dot.
27:20 (I think)
45# DB Deadlifts
The wallballs and DB deadlifts slowed me down considerably. Challenging but great WOD. Thanks Michelle for your encouragement.
6 am class. Only 4 rds as had to leave early (stupid early work meetings), unknown time.
Scaled: 52# SDLHP, 10#WB
Thanks DJ!
95lb sdlhp
20lb wb
50lb db deadlifts