Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Squats – 3 minutes AMRAP
3 rounds of:
15 Ring Dips
25 Kettlebell Swings
Coach’s notes: Guys use 95 lbs and gals 65 for SDLHP and 1.5 pood and 1.0 pood for KB swings. Post number of squats and time (excluding 3 minutes for squats) to comments.
Please note that CrossFit Kids Wednesday @ 4:30 class is postponed while awaiting minimum registration requirements, if interested, please contact Leighanne at optadmin@optimumtraining.ca
45 65# Thrusters
45 Chin ups
Time = 5:47
Squats – 125
1.25 pood
95 lb SDLHP were the time killers on this one
as rx’d 154 Squats and 14:20
DJ-120/15:26 as rx’d
Brittany-118/16:XX (ring dip negatives)
103/16:57 as rx’d
I have a slight inkling that my squat number may be off……….. no telling what it really might be……..
Squats 119
14:46 used 1.25 pood and did ring dip lowers