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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A1.  OHS – 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, rest 90-120 seconds

A2.  L-Pull-ups – AMRAP x 6 sets, rest 90-120 seconds

B.  Tabata Double Unders for reps

Coach’s notes:  Post loads for A1 and reps for A2 and B to comments. 

Important reminder – CFC4 is approaching quickly!  Check it out to see all  the amazing auction items and support a worthy charitable cause.

Comments: 26

Gotta love Filthy Fifties!!!!

Great pic Chelsea! I vote for the princess/ballerina for DJ

@ 6 a.m. 4 rounds
A1 Power Cleans for loads x 3, 90 rest 42/47/52/57
A2 L-Sit holds for as many seconds as possible 60 sec rest 5/7/10/7

Rounds in 12 minutes of
7 Hang Cleans I used 52 lbs
7 push ups
21 Double Unders
7 rounds
Good work everyone. That was a very intense 12 minutes. My shoulders are smoked.

A1. 42/45/52/62/72/77( Laura said one inch more for the squat here) PB
(last time max squat was at 52)
A2. 2/1/3/4/4
B. 28!
Thanks Laura

A1. 42/52/62/67/72/82
A2. blue band 10-10-8-8-7-7
B. 10 ish.

A1) 82/102/112/117/132 the last one felt the best. Ran out of time or else would have kept going.
B) 34/25/34/21(had a fight with my skipping rope)/30/31/30/29 total 234
Thanks Laura. Have fun in Vegas Erin!!

A1: 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95
A2: 9, 8, 10, 11, 11, 9, 8
B: 9 (really need to work on those)

I thought Chelsea was just stretching!!
A.1 85,95,105,110,115,125(PR) actually thought last one felt good!
*another testiment to Brett here – because my wonky arm makes anything OH realllly difficult!*
A2. 6,5,5,5,6,5
B.1. 22 *sorry Katie think I hit your rope here!*, 26,32,21
*only did 4 rounds* late and had to run!!!!
Chantal, thanks great class!! OH MY I’ve never seen SO many people!!! nice work everyone!
Rebecca thanks for partnering with me – sweet PR girl!!!!

A. 85/85/95/105/115/125/135! BW PR! Think I could have put out a few more on this one too had there been time. Felt great. I’ve waited for BW OHSQ for so long.

A2. 4/3/into kips-10/7/8/8

B. 20/20/20/20/20/17/25/20

Thanks Chantal for the OHSQ help, and Katie, wicked job!

A1. Worked on front squat – 65/75/85/95/105/110
A2. 3/3/3/2/2/1. These were very difficult
B. 167
Katie awesome job on the OHS. Thanks Don for sharing the bar with me. Chantal thanks for the great class.

A1. 135/145/165/185(f)/185
A2. 5/4/4/3 let my legs down after each rep

B. 21/32/18/lost count/skipping is hard/pain/almost over/12

lost count on rounds 4 through 7 i think they were mostly between 8 and 12 reps so some where around 115-131 reps in total

Did some more OHS’s as they were feeling good today. Did singles 102/112/122/132/142/152/157 failed twice on the jerk at 162. Pretty happy still as this is a 15lb PR. Thanks Todd and everyone in the 6pm class for cheering.

Subbed front squats for OHS.

A1. 185/205/225/235/245/255(f)
A2. 5/6/5/5/5

B. 244 double unders, despite tanking round 7 (getting 9 reps).

Gymnastics homework:
A: Frog Stand – 1 minute cumulative
B1: Rope climb 1X5
B2: Leg lift variations (L to V or T2B slow) 5X5

A1: 95X3/100X3/105X2/110X2/115X1/120f – (PR=130)
A2: L 8/6/4.5/3.5/3.5/3.5 (0.5 = halfway or modified)
B: 26/17/8/9/5/16/7/5 = 93

A1 – 45/65/65/65/75/75 – needed a lot of help with technique on this; thanks Todd!
A2 – 5/4/4/3/3/3 – purple band… I think that’s almost the same as what I did with a blue band earlier this month

B – managed to do 5 unbroken at a couple of point; more than I ever had before.

I think that DJ in a ballerina costume might be a little hard on the eyes. I’ll put my vote in for a TMNT costume.. mostly because I’m sure he’d try some foolish ninja moves that would be good for a laugh!

A. 42/52/57/62/65/ 70 – fail
A2: 7/8/8/10/9/9 = purple band kip
Double unders – too embarrassing to count.

A1. 95/105/110/115/120/125 <— (PR)
A2. 11/8/7/5/4/4 (These were far from “L” situps, had a hard time maintaining 90 degrees)
B. 96

Thanks Todd!

Need some work on my OHS…lost control of my shoulders…struggled a lot.
A.1. 95/115/135/140/145/150 ( barely for the last 3 sets)
A.2 8 each round
B. 46/37/36/28/34/40

Oops forgot a couple of rounds
Double unders 46/37/36/28/34/40/35/36

A1. 75/95/105/115/120/130(pr)
A2. 9/7/6/5/5/5
B. 25/20/17/16/16/16/16/16

A1) 62×3(barely)/62×3/67×2/72×1, failed on second rep/72×1..out of time
These started to feel better by the end, it’s been a long time…
A2) 6/5/6/4/3 out of time, was able to pull up with swing at the bottom
B)32/21/16/21/16/20/23/20 = 169

Great job on the OHS tonight Chelsea!!!

A1. 95×3/115×3/135×3/145×3/155×3/165×2 (failed on the 3rd). Tried 185x 1 (f)
A2. Run 400 mts 5 times

A1. 115×3/135×3/155×2/165×2/175×1/185×1(pr)/195×1(pr)
A2. 6/5/4/5/3/3
B subbed for sit ups – 17/16/14/14/13/13/12/13 = 112

A1:75/80/85/90/95/100 (pr)- I think I can go higher next time.
A2: just worked on kipping but super happy with these as they were all unbroken and actually felt pretty good- 15/15/11/13/7- I bragged to Tlaw about my pull ups before this set and then proceeded to screw up. Good lesson./didn’t do last set- ran out of time.
DU-30/27/pretty much done-13/15/16/17/14/16= 148 thanks for counting Anita!
Thanks for sharing the bar Lauri! Nice prs above- holy smoke! Thanks Chantal for the super class!

Oh Krista, no worries on the trip- I was in bad shape and you gave me a break;)

A1. 42×3/49.5×3/54.5×2/62×2/67×1/70×1 (on second attempt)
A2. Strict pulls with 2 purple bands – 7 each round
B 32/18/11/9/10/12/9/8 = 109

135, 165, 185, 195, 205 F
11, 8, 7, 6, 5
best set of doubles unders 34, low was 17ish

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