Tuesday, October 20, 2009
5 rounds for time:
1 Rope Climb
5 HSPU’s
10 Toes to Bar
15 Burpees
20 Med Ball Cleans
Coach’s notes: If you do not have a rope, substitute 15 towel pull ups. HSPU’s are crown to floor. For cleans guys use 20 lbs and gals use 14 lbs. Post time to complete and any substitutions to comments.
Compare to August 18, 2009
CFC is hosting a rowing certification on Saturday, October 24, therefore a modified class schedule will be in effect for that day. Adult member or drop in class attendance will be available before the certification starts at 7:45 am. CFC Kids class will be moved to Sunday at noon. Because the certification is only a one day course, all Sunday classes will run as scheduled. Thank you for your understanding.
Rounds in 20 min: 10DU, 10 med ball cleans (14#), 10 chest to deck burpies
12 rounds plus 10 DU, 10 Med ball cleans plus 3 burpies
Thanks Trevor and Colin
As RX except HSPU were assisted with Blue Band.
Michelle thanks for a great class!
One round as rx’d. On my heels for the next 4 rounds which were frantically scaled. Finished 26:something. Michelle: thanks for your encouragment.
18:52 as rx’d
Thanks MIchelle.
Workout @ home (hubby out of town this week):
150 burpees for time (I know I am sucker for punishment) – 16:02
On Dec 17th, 2008 did 100 burpees in 19:36, which was only my second CF workout. It’s nice to see the improvement! 3:34 less time and 50 more burpees! 🙂
As Rx’d (sub 15 towel PU)
You know your in trouble when your looking forward to HSPUs
as Rxd, 26:10 or so. I think the Fran yesterday took a lot out of my shoulders. My hspu felt really heavy today, so did the rope climbs. Just dragging a bit today on this one, but great workout and great work everyone tonigt grinding this thing out
38 min, miscounted the rds and did lots of HSPU to practice. This one does not count as rx’d
28:02 as Rx’d HSPU to ab mat
Paying the price for being inconsistent.
DNF. 4 rounds in 38:15.
Sub towel PU (jumping) for 1-3, and green band assist PU for round 4
HSPU with green/blue band assist
knees to general vicinity of elbows (very general by round 4)
14 lb ball for med ball cleans.
Thanks Michelle for all your encouragement!!
Ok, I haven’t had it for like a year and I will never eat Pizza again I promise! After round 3 I was going to wash the floor with pizza so I decided not to continue. I did pull ups with the green band (next time I will use blue). Band assisted HSPU’s green and blue. Toes up to where I could get them. Burpees and Cleans as Rx’d. 🙁
Oh yeah and I conveiniently forgot the burpee’s on round 2. Sheesh.
24:48 as rx expect for rope climb where I started standing because I did a crossfit football workout earlier in the day. Great workout ps I hate rope climb ahah.
thanks m for the push always very helpful.
Neil, sick Monday but felt pretty good going into the workout, that changed after round 2, didn’t feel good at all and I bailed… baby… scaled towel pullups and blue band HSPU’s, tried going down to nearly non-existant purplely color band but it didn’t match my outfit….bummer…