Tuesday, October 13, 2009
KB Swing
Sit Ups
Coach’s notes: Guys use 1.5 pood and gals 1.0 pood for swings and 20 lbs. and 14 lbs. for wallballs. Post total for each exercise and total to comments.
KB Swing
Sit Ups
Coach’s notes: Guys use 1.5 pood and gals 1.0 pood for swings and 20 lbs. and 14 lbs. for wallballs. Post total for each exercise and total to comments.
6 am class
7 rnds;
10 db hang squat cleans @ 15#
10 box jumps (20″ for 1st rnd then switched to the baby one)
10 burpees
150m row
2 min rest
30# DB’s
Thanks for the couching
Great Oly cert on weekend…learned a ton from Greg and Aimee and those participating…Dee Jay is a beast.
KB – 17/12/14/14/13/13/12/12=105
Squats -23/19/20/20/19/20/21/26=168
Total – 480
Tabata as RX:
KB- 7/9/8/8/8/8/6/6/=60
Yeah…my wall-balls sucked. Spend majority of the time chasing the fantastic ball down!
Used 10 lb ball on black beam, worked on accuracy and good reps
KB – 8/7/8/7/7/8/7/7 = 59
WB – 7/7/7/8/7/7/8/7 = 58
Situps – 13/13/12/13/12/12/12/12 = 99
Squats – 10/9/9/9/9/9/9/10 = 74
At 6 a.m.
2:45, 7:28, 12:03, 16:30, 21:09, 25:57, 30:41
15# DB
20″ box for rnd 1 then 12″ for the rest
Another good one!
1.5 pood kb; 20# wb; abmat, feet not anchored situps
KB – 11/9/9/10/10/9/9/7 = 74
WB – 8/8/9/9/9/9/8/9 = 69
SU – 12/12/12/13/10/11/10/13 = 93
Squat – 19/14/14/13/15/13/16/13 = 117
Total = 353
pretty much wore my tailbone off on the situps. sitting very gingerly. great work 9:30 class.
54/37/95/128=314 as rx’d (note to self- used abmat, non anchored)
83 swings
61 wall balls
95 sit ups
138 squats
total 377, Great music helped me out
KB-had to sub 1pood(no other size, using dumbells sucks) –83
WB-subbed #20 db thrusters-84
Total: 409
Tabata as RX:
KB- 9/8/9/8/7/7/6/7/=61
Cory, you should destroy me!!!!
KB: 9-7-7-7-8-6-5-9=58
WB: 6-8-6-8-7-7-7-7=56
Situps: 10-10-10-9-9-9-8-9=74
Squats: 14-12-12-11-12-12-11-12=96
Used 14lb medicine ball for sets 4 through 8 on Wallballs.
Total: 284
6am class,
Thanks for the push (es), Rob, James
KB-11/9/11/10/11/10/10/9= 81
WB 14 lbs (need lots of work) 8/7/4/8/6/5/6/5= 49
Squats-19/18/18/16/16/17/15 then fell on the floor thinking we were done oops/13=132
total 363
Thanks Taylor. I liked the music tonight too.
KB: 11/10/9/9/9/9/8/8 = 73
WB 14 lbs (embarrassing: I know where I need to work!): 4/4/5/4/4/4/4/5 and spent some time chasing down a few too! = 34
SU:(abmat) 12/11/11/10/10/9/9/10 = 82
Squats: 18/16/15/15/14/14/13/15/16 = 120
Total = 309
Thanks Michelle, another great class! this was fun even if my wall balls sucked.
KB Swings- 82
Wallballs- 57
Situps (abmat)- 95
Squats- 120
Total- 354
Thanks Taylor that was fun today. Great job everyone.
With the brother and sister in Moncton.
Deck of Cards workout:
hearts = burpees
diamond = “mountain climbers”
spades = pushups
clubs = situps
jokers = 30s burnouts, 30s high knees, 30 sec jumping high knees
numbers = number of reps , face cards = 10 reps, aces = 11 reps
Full deck in 27:26.
My brother is fit! Way stronger than me. : )
As RX’d
KB swings 11/10/10/10/10/10/10/10 81
Wallballs 10/9/9/7/7/7/7/7 63
Sit ups 12/12/12/12/12/12/12/12 96
Squats 15/15/15/15/15/15/15/15 120
Total 360
KB Swings -10/8/9/8/8/9/8/9 = 69
Wall Balls – 5/4/4/4/5/3/5/5 = 35 ( I suck at these)
Sit Ups – 11/12/13/13/12/13/12/12 = 98
Squats – 15/12/13/11/11/11/11/12 = 96
Total – 298
I guess I have some work to do:)
KB= 74, done in set of 10 or 9
WB= 82
Sit up=130, anchored
Squat= 114
Total= 400
KB swings: 10/9/9/9/8/8/8/8 = 69
Wallballs: 2/3/4/3/3/3/3/3 = 24
Sit-ups: 15/15/15/15/14/14/14/14 = 116
Squats: 13/13/13/12/12/12/12/12 = 99
Total = 308
Forced myself to use the 14# med ball for the wallballs which felt so heavy after the KB swings. Gotta get used to these, right? Really struggle with them, but hopefully over time I will eventually get better. There’s hoping anyway…
KB’s – 10/10/10/10/9/9/9/9 = 76
40# DB Thrusters – 11/9/8/6/6/8/7/6 = 61
Sit-ups – 15/14/15/14/15/14/14/13 = 114
Squats- 17/15/15/15/16/16/17/19 = 130
No 10′ space so thrusters as a sub for wall balls
Love the picture of the CrossFit BoyZ!!! It was an interesting class when none of the girls showed up that day…
Did this with Kris and with my personal counter Erin-I appreciated your push and counting and was happy to find a 30 point error(in my favour) on your squat count!!!
KB 10/9/10/10/9/9/9/9= 75
wb 4/5/5/6/5/4/5/4/= 38, disasterous after kbs
sit up 14/14/12/12/12/11/11/11= 97, disaterous after L-pullup extravaganza yesterday
squat 19/19/16/17/15/16/15/15/=132, should have held to 18 or 19 across
total 342
I did this one at home. All we have is a 20lb wall ball so I did my best at pushing it up to at least 8-9 feet high. I used a 35lb DB for KB swings.
kb – 62
wb – 25 the last one hit my chin on the way down. It was enough of a shock factor that I stopped this one on my 6th set. 20lbs was too heavy for me.
su – 127 my favorite, of course.
squats – 113
Total – 327