Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Continue for as long as possible as follows:
5 Thrusters – 75#/55#
5 Thrusters – 95#/65#
5 Thrusters – 115#/75#
5 Thrusters – 135#/85#
*Continue to add 20#/10# every 5:00 for as long as you can.
Well that was not what I expected… literally
Lots of good learning came out of this lift. Biggest take away was focusing on my front rack position. As soon as my elbows dropped the lift became more difficult. As the weight increased and I took my time to reset to a better front rack resulting in an ability to feel the moment of lightness better and maintain a sustainable rhythm to the moment.
Cleared 155# + 1 Rounds & 1 or 2 Reps of 175#
In the last round of 155# I used the almost the full minute.
Round 1 – 175# = 3, 1, 1
Round 2 – 175# = 1,1, fail
Great WOD!
Thanks Derek P
Thrusters are not my friend.
Finished the 135s. After that just did 1/minute at 155 for the next 10 minutes.
DJ and Coach are beasts.
Thanks Derek!
Surprisingly (to me), this wasn’t as terrible as I expected.
Made the 135’s, then
5 @ 155#
5 @ 155#, 3/2
4 @ 155#, 2/1/1
Great job 6am Crew, especially Karen, who was still going when I had to go to work!!! 😉
Started with 55# and then followed the rx’d rep scheme.
Got 13 reps into the round of 135#
Scaled reps = 113
Rx’d reps = 88
Thanks OG! Great job morning crew!
This one was more fun to coach than to actually do.
Started at 45#, finished the five rounds of 85#, got one round at 95# and then got two thrusters the second round at 95#.
132 thrusters in total. Thanks OG!
Started with 55#
Added 10lbs each round.
Ended with an accidental 6th round of 95#
I didn’t add 10lbs b/c I thought I had one more round.
Oh well. That was a lot of thrusters. The result was an exploding heart and a wicked leg pump.
Really like this WOD.I was very focused on keeping my front rack position stable to maintain a vertical position. Did my best not to go to full depth to avoid a complete stop in the hole. Breathing never felt more important. Overall I felt I was very successful.
Rx weights and increases
Made it to minute 31 and 5x 115
155 reps total
Also did the math and moved 11325 pounds moved 😰
Thanks 6 pm for cheering me on at the end!
Nice work Coach Kimmer, this one was for you!!!!!!!!!!