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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Back Squat on the minute.


Coach’s notes: CFC Benchmark WOD for the board.  Guys use 65 lbs, gals use 45 lbs.  Post rounds completed + reps to comments.

Compare to December 20, 2009

Comments: 23

Great shot of Sarah doing a wall tic at parkour class Sunday. That was a fun time with tt gymnastics on Sunday.
@6 am
Amraps in 15 mins
1 chest to bar
2 chin ups
3 toes to bar
4 knees to elbows. Rest as needed btwn sets
Rick 12 rnds Adelle 9 + 2 chin ups using purple band for chest to bar
Amraps. Box jumps in 5 mins
Rick. 97. Adelle 75
Fun class thanks Laura & Colin. Nice job on Paige meredith

6am – I chickened out of doing the all-shoulder 6am workout due to ongoing shoulder drama, and tried “Paige” instead.
20 + 19 reps. I think I could have done another round, buuuut I just didn’t want to…my poor legs will thank me for that!
Thanks for getting me through the last round Cory and Colin.
Thanks Laura!

That’s an amazing shot of Sarah. Sunday was a fun class and would definitely like to do it again.

25 rounds + 24
Thank for the encouragement this morning. Great job 9:30 class.
Crongrats on your PR Krista

17 rounds + 14
Good job everyone, especially Krista and Angela.
Thanks Kris!

17 Rnds + 14 Reps
Krista and Angela were Animals today

That is a great picture Karen!
And wow are there some great “Paige” times on the board!
25+15 as rx’d – Angela nice work this am – everyone at 9:30 did awesome! Have fun eve classes!
Kris, thanks great class as always!

25 + I think 10…I was busy having an argument with my right leg which insisted on cramping!!
Nice work 5pm class!!!!

19 rounds + 15
Was hoping to get 20…
Thanks Michelle!

24+13, some depth questionable, but felt better the higher the rounds got.

Thanks Michelle

19 plus 16.
Great work Chelsea and thanks for a great class Michelle!

19 + 15

25+21 – I’m already having the involuntary leg twitches/sudden forward lunges. Still feels so good to do a wod after a week off. Thanks Michelle! Way to go everyone in the 5pm class.


15 + 13 for me
18 + 17 for wife LiLien

17rds + 17reps. First WOD in 10 days; feels great to get back at it.

That is a great shot Sarah!!! 24 + 23, disappointed with myself on this one should have pushed harder. Thanks Michelle. Audra it was great to have you in class again, glad you are starting to feel better.

Great work 5:00 everyone. You were inspirational!
Thanks Michelle.

21+20 ….my legs felt all “wobbly” from about round 6 onward….. So good to be back after almost 2 weeks off…. Obviously still dehydrated as my quads are seizing while I type!!
Thanks Michelle!
Thanks Chels 🙂

21 + 19
Angela issued the challenge for me with a great WOD this morning but I wasn’t able to match the performance. Great job Ang!!
Thanks Michelle.

Holy smokes guys, big numbers today, nice work all!

Cool shot Sarah!

Great work today in all of the classes!!!

Joined the 8 pm class (Chad!) for this one.
Shut it down after round 23. Thanks for the encouragement Rory. Katie… Had a good laugh about the ‘involuntary’ forward lunges….hope I find them as funny tomorrow!!!!

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