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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snatch – 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Coach’s notes:  Post load for all sets to comments.

Compare to September 6, 2010

Comments: 13

rnds in 12 mins
20 double unders
15 wall balls
5 pull ups
Rick 6 rnds with 16#wb
Adelle 5 rnds + 20 du’s with 8# wb
Good work everyone. Thanks Laura and Colin

That looks like an authentic Fire Dept sweat angel. An hour and a half on a rower. Can’t imagine. Way to go, Brett!

6am class. 7 rounds plus 14 DUs. 10lb wallball and blue band for Pullups.
Thanks Laura and Colin!

Did yesterday’s wod- thanks Michelle and everybody for the encouragement! Nice job Kevin on your PR!

Worked up to 102lbs, stopped there as things felt a bit off. Went down to 82lbs to work more on form. Thanks Michelle. Congrat Kevin on the PR that was a huge lift.


Was hoping for 105
At 90 lbs it was a struggle to get out of the squat
At 95 lbs it was a struggle to get into the squat.

55, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85,90, and failed at 95.

Good class. Thx Kris!.

Neil – 55,60,70,75,80
Judy – up to 33 lbs
Thanks Kris..good work everyone!

Did yesterday’s and posted there


Tried 105 a few times but think I was probably done. I did get a PR (95lb).

Worked up to 145# a 5# PR but it was ugly.
I failed most reps 3 to 5 times before getting them.

PR at 110.
Thanks Laura

got up to 185 eventually

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