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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Michelle’s “Grace” in 4:05 – video 


With a 15 minute time limit:

75 Knees to Elbows

AMRAP Alternating Pistols

Coach’s notes:  Post number of pistols to comments.


Comments: 6

Michelle – you rock! Inspirational!

Great job Michelle. You are my inspiration!

worked up to tough 3 rep PJerks
126.5, 136.5, 141.5, 146.5(2)

3 X’s for time of
10 BW (146.5) DL
15 Pull ups
Time = 2:32

50 K2E

Subbed 75 Jumping Pullups for the K2E.
60 pistols

great Job michelle. very impressive

102 pistols as rx’d

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