Tuesday, November 17, 2009
“The Beast”
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
6 Burpees
6 Power Snatch
Coach’s notes: This one’s for the board. Guys use 65 lbs and gals use 45 lbs for the SDLHP and power snatch. Post number of rounds complete to comments.
Compare to March 27, 2009
CFC Kids Program is pleased to announce that as of Wednesday, November 25, we will be adding an additional CF Kids class from 4:15 to 5:00, every Wednesday.
Please note that as of January 01, 2010 CF Kids monthly membership at CrossFit Calgary will increase to $60/Kid. At this time membership will be unlimited to the four classes offered throughout the week, with the exception of Mondays class which continues to be reserved for 9-12 year olds:
Mondays 4:00-4:45 (this class is still reserved for 9-12 year olds)
Tuesday 4:15-5:00
Wednesday 4:15-5:00
Saturday 8:45-9:30
Snatch scaled to 52Ibs
10 rounds, 6 SDLHP, 6 Burpees.
As rx’d – 10 rounds + 6 SDLHP + 6 Burpees. Even if I don’t get on the board, I’m happy (9 rounds the last time). Many thanks to Michelle’s coaching…feeling much more solid with the Power Snatch & Kris keeping me honest w/ the SDLHP 🙂
Oh, and great job to everyone today in the 9:30 class…this Beast was tough 🙂
6am class;
3 sets:
20 wall balls @ 10#
60s flying burpees
90s rest
3 sets:
20 KB SDLHP @ 1 pood
60s double unders
90s rest
box jumps w. baby box – 18/11/11/13/12/15/7/14
ab mat sit ups – 11/9/8/8/8/6/7/8
14 rounds + 12 reps as RX’d.
As rx’d – 9.0 rounds
16 rds + 6 SDLHP + 6 Burpees (1 rd shy of PR)
this was my afternoon met con
in am did the “Quick and the dirty”
750 row AMRAP Burpees
2:25 Row too fast
40 Burpees too few
much like last time abit too fast on row tired me for part 2
took 30 secs before even starting burpees
As rx’d 14 rounds plus 6 SDLHP and 6 Burpees
2 rounds better than the last time!
Did 6am workout. See Amy’s post. Thanks Amy.
Used 6lbs for wall ball due to shoulder injury. Did not keep track of the tabata round.
10 rounds+6 SDLHP+6 Burpees+1 PS as rx’d (so close to 11!) Michelle, thank you for your constant pushes and words of encouragement! Great job to everyone at the 9:30 class – thanks too Kris!
Neil – as rx’d 11 rounds even
Judy – since my upper body is fried from being back I did 10 lbs (yah pretty pathetic). Never really kept count but did at least 12 rds.
15 rds + 6 as rx’d
15 rds + 6 +6 as rx’d Got to love the Beast!
11 rds +6 +2
subbed 1.5 pood KB for burpies
Subbed 85lb power clean for 65lb power snatch
SDLHP and burpees as Rx’d
14 rounds even
As rx’d 12 rounds plus 4 SDLHP
This was a fun one. Thanks Brett.
Kimmer, you rock!
Forgot to thank Michelle for the great class this morning! I’m still exhausted!
12 rds as rx’d. I never would have finished the 12th round without Kelly yelling at me though. Thanks!
14 rounds + 6 sdlhp, 6 burpees, 2 power snatches
great intensity today everyone!!
11 rounds + 6 SDHP + 6 Burpees
w/ 65#