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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, November 10, 2009



“Every Rep Counts” (from Western Canadian Qualifier)

As many rounds and reps in 20 mintes of:

10 Wallballs

10 Box Jumps

10 Deadlift

10 Burpees

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 20 lb balls and gals 14 lb ball for wallballs and box jumps are 20 inches.  For dealdift, guys use 205 lbs and gals 145 lbs.  Burpees are chest to deck as always.  Scale as required.  Post your total rounds and reps to comments. 

Tomorrow is Rememberance Day therefore the holiday schedule will be in effect.  The 9:30 am class and 6:00 pm class are available for member and drop in attendance.  Thank you.


Comments: 21

We both scaled this one
Adelle WB 8 lbs
Box Jumps 18″
DL 92 lbs
Burpees – as rx’d 4 rounds plus WB, BJumps, DL and 9 Burpies = 199
Rick WB 18 First 2 rnds 14 remaining
Box jumps 20 inches
DL 165, Burpies as Rx’d
6 rounds plus WB & 2 Box Jumps = 252
Tough workout first thing in the morning.

RX’D 6am class
6 rounds + WB + Box Jumps + Deadlifts + 2 Burpees
total 272
My head still hurts!!

reading yesterdays comments really shows the incredible community we have!
Krista – concept2 dot com for rowing info

6 rnds + 5 reps as rx’d… 245 total

oh and i didnt leave anything in the tank on this one… if i could go back and do it over i wouldnt get even one more rep… this is a brutal workout… which makes me appreciate even more the capacity of the people that competed in the qualifier back in may and did this one as one of four workouts over a weekend… inspiring

I am sooo not looking forward to doing this tonight. I can already see me walking funny for the next few days…..ugh!!

as rx’d 7 rounds + 10 WB = 290 reps (20 away from the bottom of the board) 2nd workout in 12 hours and I am walking funny

As rx’d – 4 rounds + 10 WB = 170 reps…what a grunt, gaseous WOD. Everyone did great at the 9:30 class. How’s your shin, Candi?

6am class with DJ- thx
As Rx: 7 rounds plus WB plus 6 BJ =296
Good job Brittany! and everyone else of course.

As Rx’d with 24″ box – 7rds + WB + BJ + 4 DL = 304
Used Cory’s recovery postion for a solid ten minutes, very effective

Will have to try this one next time! not sure I am looking forward to it or not!
Thanks for the web address Trevor – and I agree with your comment!
Have fun tonight everyone!

7 rounds (280) as rx’d with 20 seconds left over to start resting early!! Wait, what was this workout called again?

6 rds + 7 wb’s as rx’d (247) – very hard.

As Rx’d (except 40# DB thrusters for Wallball)
6 rounds + 10 thrusters = 250 reps
Deadlift = Roadblock

6 rounds +10 Wallballs+10 Box Jumps

Scaled to 175Ibs for Deadlift

4 rounds + 10 WB = 170 reps Scaled wb to 12lbs and DL to 135. Thanks again for the push Brett.

as rx’d 6 rnds plus 10 WB, 10 bx jump, 10 DL, 5 burpees 275

243 as RX’d

205 as RX’d…

5 rds +20 as rx’d

Upset with myself as I did not take a tally of the rounds. Thought I was at the end of round 5 but not sure if I was supposed to start round 5. Anyway 4 or 5 (not sure) rnds and 10 wall balls.
Did everything as rx’d except the deadlift which was 125lbs.
Note to self: always have a pen and paper.

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