Tuesday, May 6, 2008
For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run
Coach’s notes: Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it, although not if this is your first time! Post time to comments.
Ahhh, there’s that pic of James’ freaky lower back bulge.
Yeah!! Saw “Murph” on the main website a few days ago, wondering when we’d get the chance to give it a shot.
Excited to do this in class Tuesday night. Hope it’s not raining.
Rest day for me. But I did Murph off the main page last Friday. As Rx’d 42:53. Almost got to see Pukie on the final 1 mile run.
400m 2min rest *5
In the rain.
1 – 1:13
2- 1:12
3 – 1:16
4- 1:16
5 – 1:16
PM WOD to come later tonight
OHS 3,3,2,2,2,1,1,1,1
In door treadmill run
Green band full kippings
Knee pushups…yes Brett with Full ROM
Free Squats with half OHS with Dowel; full ROM
Totally fun!
In door treadmill
All pull-ups kipping
Only could manage 50 push-ups proper, remainder on knees
What a workout that is! Whooooo….but I love it!
orange/purple band assisted pull ups
push ups fromm knees
forgot to say did it in 10 rounds of 10/20/30
43:12 Murph (10 rounds of 10/20/30) for Kelly
51:35 Murph (10 rounds of 10/20/30) for Nancy
Great Class all completed the WOD
OHS for Loads
Maxed my PB by 10lbs
Good improvement.
1/2 A Murph in a leaky Rowboat with 31 week old ‘Baby on Board’, Canadian distance: 33:29
Many modifications:
1000m row
(completed in 5 rounds of 10, 20, 30)
50 machine assisted pull ups
100 elevated pull ups, (yeah, elevated upper body not elevated feet)
150 squats
1000m row
It was great to do a long Crossfit work out.
1 mile run
Completed 100 pull ups then did
200 push ups followed by 300 squats.
Legs were fried on the squats, lots of lactic acid.
1 mile slow run for the first 1/2 mile, couldn’t feel the legs.
Divided up as 5/10/15 x 20 rounds
Pull-ups – blue band
Good job everyone!
Nice work Giles. That is a nasty way to do it.
Great workout!! I agree with Giles… good to get a long one in even though I was truly tested with all the arm work!
My modifications include orange resistance tubing for pullups and I did knees down pushups.
I broke it up into 20’s. When I got the 100 pullups done, I was down to 20’s between pushups and squats. Good for endurance…drawback is that I ended up with 120 consecutive squats. 🙂
Modifications include blue band and green band (alternating) assisted pullups and knees down pushups.
Did 10 rounds of 10/20/30.
Great job, Julie! “Keep Your Eye On The Prize”!
Somewhere, after doing the Murph workout in 40minutes, Julie has found energy for a nice little pre-bedtime game of Wii. That’ll calm you! 🙂
Great WOD @ YMCA Eau Claire
Regret that I did not finish the last 2/3 of mile as I had to get to a meeting
No Vest (I’m carrying an extra 20 anyway) 🙂
Did 10x20x30 x 10 rounds
Kipping – nonassisted
Time to complete without last 2./3 mile run
I tried to do the workout as rx’d, but 40 or so mins later i was only on my 100th push-up so I broke up the rest into sets of 30 squats and 10 push-ups. Easier but still not easy. finished past one hour…….. 64:57.
I tried to do the workout as rx’d, but 40 or so mins later i was only on my 100th push-up so I broke up the rest into sets of 30 squats and 10 push-ups. Easier but still not easy. finished past one hour…….. 64:57.
Brittany- 53:48- band assisted pull ups. knees on ground push ups.
In class tonight, as Rx’d (with partition, w/o weight vest).
partitioned 10/20/30 for first half
partitioned 5/10/15 for second half
Next time I’ll try without partition.
In class tonight
(with partition, w/o weight vest).
partitioned 5/10/15
Used blue band after first 20 pull-ups
This should get faster if I can learne to kip
great work everyone. My first time with it almost 2 years ago was about 68 minutes. i did it at a YMCA running on a treadmill with a back pack with 2 10lbs weighplates tossed in with some towels to stop them bouncing around. Chin ups were all strict since I didn’t know how to kip. Partitioning is still the best way to go so I would suggest keeping it that way but adding the weight vest next time.
No vest, 5-10-15