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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, May 6, 2008




For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

Coach’s notes:  Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it, although not if this is your first time!  Post time to comments.

Comments: 23

Ahhh, there’s that pic of James’ freaky lower back bulge.

Yeah!! Saw “Murph” on the main website a few days ago, wondering when we’d get the chance to give it a shot.
Excited to do this in class Tuesday night. Hope it’s not raining.

Rest day for me. But I did Murph off the main page last Friday. As Rx’d 42:53. Almost got to see Pukie on the final 1 mile run.


400m 2min rest *5
In the rain.
1 – 1:13
2- 1:12
3 – 1:16
4- 1:16
5 – 1:16

PM WOD to come later tonight
OHS 3,3,2,2,2,1,1,1,1

In door treadmill run
Green band full kippings
Knee pushups…yes Brett with Full ROM
Free Squats with half OHS with Dowel; full ROM
Totally fun!

In door treadmill
All pull-ups kipping
Only could manage 50 push-ups proper, remainder on knees

What a workout that is! Whooooo….but I love it!
orange/purple band assisted pull ups
push ups fromm knees

forgot to say did it in 10 rounds of 10/20/30

43:12 Murph (10 rounds of 10/20/30) for Kelly
51:35 Murph (10 rounds of 10/20/30) for Nancy
Great Class all completed the WOD

OHS for Loads
Maxed my PB by 10lbs
Good improvement.

1/2 A Murph in a leaky Rowboat with 31 week old ‘Baby on Board’, Canadian distance: 33:29

Many modifications:
1000m row
(completed in 5 rounds of 10, 20, 30)
50 machine assisted pull ups
100 elevated pull ups, (yeah, elevated upper body not elevated feet)
150 squats
1000m row

It was great to do a long Crossfit work out.
1 mile run
Completed 100 pull ups then did
200 push ups followed by 300 squats.
Legs were fried on the squats, lots of lactic acid.
1 mile slow run for the first 1/2 mile, couldn’t feel the legs.

Divided up as 5/10/15 x 20 rounds
Pull-ups – blue band
Good job everyone!

Nice work Giles. That is a nasty way to do it.

Great workout!! I agree with Giles… good to get a long one in even though I was truly tested with all the arm work!
My modifications include orange resistance tubing for pullups and I did knees down pushups.
I broke it up into 20’s. When I got the 100 pullups done, I was down to 20’s between pushups and squats. Good for endurance…drawback is that I ended up with 120 consecutive squats. 🙂

Modifications include blue band and green band (alternating) assisted pullups and knees down pushups.
Did 10 rounds of 10/20/30.
Great job, Julie! “Keep Your Eye On The Prize”!

Somewhere, after doing the Murph workout in 40minutes, Julie has found energy for a nice little pre-bedtime game of Wii. That’ll calm you! 🙂

Great WOD @ YMCA Eau Claire

Regret that I did not finish the last 2/3 of mile as I had to get to a meeting

No Vest (I’m carrying an extra 20 anyway) 🙂
Did 10x20x30 x 10 rounds
Kipping – nonassisted

Time to complete without last 2./3 mile run

I tried to do the workout as rx’d, but 40 or so mins later i was only on my 100th push-up so I broke up the rest into sets of 30 squats and 10 push-ups. Easier but still not easy. finished past one hour…….. 64:57.

I tried to do the workout as rx’d, but 40 or so mins later i was only on my 100th push-up so I broke up the rest into sets of 30 squats and 10 push-ups. Easier but still not easy. finished past one hour…….. 64:57.

Brittany- 53:48- band assisted pull ups. knees on ground push ups.

In class tonight, as Rx’d (with partition, w/o weight vest).
partitioned 10/20/30 for first half
partitioned 5/10/15 for second half
Next time I’ll try without partition.

In class tonight
(with partition, w/o weight vest).
partitioned 5/10/15
Used blue band after first 20 pull-ups
This should get faster if I can learne to kip

great work everyone. My first time with it almost 2 years ago was about 68 minutes. i did it at a YMCA running on a treadmill with a back pack with 2 10lbs weighplates tossed in with some towels to stop them bouncing around. Chin ups were all strict since I didn’t know how to kip. Partitioning is still the best way to go so I would suggest keeping it that way but adding the weight vest next time.

No vest, 5-10-15

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