Tuesday, May 27, 2008
6 minutes Wallball (maximum reps)
Rest 2:00 mins
5 minutes row (calories)
Rest 2:00 mins
Tabata Burpies (total reps)
Coach’s notes: Guys use 20lb wallball and gals 12lbs. Burpies are without push-up. The Tabata is 20s of work with 10s rest repeated for 8 sets. Post score for each exercise to comments.
Compare to Wednesday, April 2, 2008
This sounds like an ass kicker!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Literally, Giles! 🙂 ha!
Too bad I’m all out of contact lenses…
started with the row and burpies, to warm-up for the wall balls outside, because i thought it was cold, but it was nice!
Row 68 calories
Burpies 45
Walls Ball(12lbs) 80
Total 193
First time doing this little gem!
Row 79 calories
Wall Balls 12 lbs 98
Burpies 50
total 227
Great Job Giles completing “Karen” !
Got to do a WOD in Honolulu as Hardass Fitness.
Kimo is an awesome guy, Location is sweet and the facilities are amazing. Great energy in the place as well.
He kicked my ass alright.
10 rounds for time of
50 Double unders
25 wall ball 20lb to 10ft
Time 30:23
Just smoked. The weather was HOT! Bring on Aromas. THen I got to watch what had to be the most painful looking WOD yet.
Kimo did 5 rounds of
Wall balls
Double unders.
51:00 that was agony to feel the pain.
great place hope everyone can visit her some day. (I know an airline that flys here, HEHE)
Thanks Kim, excellent work on your kipping.
Sounds like a great place Rob, your lucky you get to try all these places out.
WOD, 150 wall balls – 7:19
2 minute rest
5 min row – 74 cals
2 minute rest
tabata burpes – 50
followed by a close puke.
awesome Giles. Good stomach control!
Rhiannon, your namesake WOD is being put on the board here in Honolulu, they think it is great, and they are right!
As Rx’d in class tonight
Wall ball – 121
Row – 94 cals
burpies – 66
Total: 281
(last time 245)
Row 102, WB 109, Burpies 47
213 PR
Previous = 196
Wallballs – 86 (better than last time 🙂 and good quality wallballs. I never lost the ball)
Row – 69 (1 less than last time 🙁 )
Burpies – 55 (better than last time.)
I thought I messed up the burpies (lost count in the middle) but since I got 50 the last time I did this workout, I am confident that 55 is my correct number.
As Rx’d in class:
Wall ball – 141
Row – 94
burpees – 67
Total = 302