Tuesday, May 15, 2018

A. 2018 Regional Event 6
Complete for time:
4 Rope Climbs
16 Thrusters – 155#/105#
3 Rope Climbs
12 Thrusters
2 Rope Climbs
8 Thrusters
B1. Front Plank – 60s X 3 sets, rest 60s
B2. Superman – 60s X 3 sets, rest 60s
TT WOD – Gymnastics
A1. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press – 6-8 reps @ 31X0 X 5 sets, rest 90-120s
A2. Ring Rows – 7-9 reps @ 3013 X 5 sets, rest 90-120s
B1. Bent Over Dumbbell “Y” Shoulder Front Raise – 10-12 reps @ 3012 X 4 sets, rest 90s
B2. Dumbbell External Rotation – 12-15 reps/arm @ 3010 X 4 sets, rest 90s
Coach’s notes:
Post time to complete A and notes for B to comments. For TT WOD post all results to comments.
WOD Leaderboard
A) 11:05, used the regional weight @155#
B1) Check
B2) Check
Thanks Colin!
A) 8:55 with 65# and 6/9 full rope climbs, the other 3 were 3/4
B1) Survived
B2) Survived
Good work 6 am! Ryan, you’re a beast!
And thanks OG!
A little shy at the Regional time cap, 2 reps short.
7:22 at completion. This one hurt. Took me back to my first few Fran’s. I have not had felt that kind of anaerobic pain, chest hurtin, thick salivia spittin, nausea inducing feeling in quite some time. Have fun Crew!
9:09 @ 125#
9:19 @ 95#, rx’d rope climbs.
That got heavy for me really fast!
Thanks Tania!
A: 10:30@75#.
Guess I didn’t push hard enough since I didn’t experience any of Brett’s symptoms…..think I’m okay with that.
B1/B2: this was worse than A.
Thanks Tania. Good grind 9am.
A) 8:57 @ 95# rope climbs RX’d
After reading Brett’s post I clearly did not take this to the same dark place and am also okay with that haha
B) thank you Colin and Grant for the distractions while suffering
Good job 6 a.m.
8:49 from the red’s (105#)
Dipped my pinky toe into the pain cave and decided it was too dark.
Thanks OG.
Rope climbs rx’d
Thrusters 65#
Thanks OG!
A. 9:38 as rx’d
B1&2 completed
Thanks OG