6 a.m. special…
10 rounds for time
200 metre row
20 OH Walking Lunges A 15#, R 25#
20 AB Mat Situps (anchored)
1 min rest
Adelle 36:01
Rick 34:57
It was a tough one. Thanks to DJ and Colin.
March 9th, 2010 - Audra
Front squat 115/120/125/135/140/145/150 (PR)…last one borderline for depth…..
Thanks Michelle!
March 10th, 2010 - JeffL
Barbell Targeted Training
Did Bench Presses anyways to give shoulder a break
A. Front squat 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1
150×3, 180×3, 207×3, 217×1, 227×1, 232×1(PR)
B. AMRAP in 10 min
10 box jump 30″
15 KBS 1.5 pood.
6 rounds
March 10th, 2010 - Karen L
Barbell TT Homework
Back squat 4rm: 135/140/145/150/155/160/165×2
Pull ups (strict) 4rm: bw/bw/bw/bw/bw/bw + 5lbs this was my first weighted pull up ever! I was very happy with my progress by not using a band for the strict pull-ups. Jeff pushed me to try 5 lbs and it was a success!
Shoulder press: 55/60/65×2 not so successful here! I really struggle with this lift. I’m making headway everywhere else except for this lift.
March 10th, 2010 - mtn_man
TT Strength Class
Squat 135/165/185/205/225/245
Shoulder Press 45/65/85/95/105/110 (5lbs off 1RM)
Pullups 30/40/45/50/55/60 (BW=191lbs)
March 10th, 2010 - Chelsea
Worked up to 170lbs(PR). Thanks Brett.
March 10th, 2010 - Caper
265 PR
Rowing 1:11 PR
Great classes on Tuesdays
March 10th, 2010 - Anita
95×3/105×1/115×1/125×1/130 (f)/115 as to not end on a fail.
Thanks Brett!
March 10th, 2010 - Derek
270, failed on 275
March 10th, 2010 - EvanK
Got 285(pr by 25), failed 290
March 10th, 2010 - davidq
210, failed @ 215
March 10th, 2010 - Rudy
March 10th, 2010 - Colin
Thanks Brett!
March 10th, 2010 - chad
205/225/245/265/285/ 290 (f)
March 10th, 2010 - innerstrength
Neil 155/175/185/195/205 f/205 probably could have gone higher but ran out of time, the fail at 205 was cuz I hit the bottom too fast and couldn’t get out of the hole
March 10th, 2010 - Sarah
Worked up to 125# and failed on 130#.
March 10th, 2010 - Sandee
Worked up to 115#
March 11th, 2010 - motokris
165. failed 170 twice. well short of what i feel is possible… but this was what was possible today… losing best lumbar back positioning in bottom- that was limiting factor today. still a PR
March 11th, 2010 - Krista
worked up to 180 lbs (PR) Thanks Brett!
March 12th, 2010 - Chris M
As Rx’d
Followed by “Annie”
March 12th, 2010 - rhyno
Still have a bad back, didn’t push the weight or fight finish the last lift.
6 a.m. special…
10 rounds for time
200 metre row
20 OH Walking Lunges A 15#, R 25#
20 AB Mat Situps (anchored)
1 min rest
Adelle 36:01
Rick 34:57
It was a tough one. Thanks to DJ and Colin.
Front squat 115/120/125/135/140/145/150 (PR)…last one borderline for depth…..
Thanks Michelle!
Barbell Targeted Training
Did Bench Presses anyways to give shoulder a break
Squat 4 RM: 135/140/145/150/155/160/165X3
Bench 4RM: 110/120/125/130/135X2
Pull-ups 4 RM: 20/22.5/25/27.5/30/32.5/35X2
My 1 RM squat was 155 at start of BB TT.
Thanks Michelle!
A. Front squat 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1
150×3, 180×3, 207×3, 217×1, 227×1, 232×1(PR)
B. AMRAP in 10 min
10 box jump 30″
15 KBS 1.5 pood.
6 rounds
Barbell TT Homework
Back squat 4rm: 135/140/145/150/155/160/165×2
Pull ups (strict) 4rm: bw/bw/bw/bw/bw/bw + 5lbs this was my first weighted pull up ever! I was very happy with my progress by not using a band for the strict pull-ups. Jeff pushed me to try 5 lbs and it was a success!
Shoulder press: 55/60/65×2 not so successful here! I really struggle with this lift. I’m making headway everywhere else except for this lift.
TT Strength Class
Squat 135/165/185/205/225/245
Shoulder Press 45/65/85/95/105/110 (5lbs off 1RM)
Pullups 30/40/45/50/55/60 (BW=191lbs)
Worked up to 170lbs(PR). Thanks Brett.
265 PR
Rowing 1:11 PR
Great classes on Tuesdays
95×3/105×1/115×1/125×1/130 (f)/115 as to not end on a fail.
Thanks Brett!
270, failed on 275
Got 285(pr by 25), failed 290
210, failed @ 215
Thanks Brett!
205/225/245/265/285/ 290 (f)
Neil 155/175/185/195/205 f/205 probably could have gone higher but ran out of time, the fail at 205 was cuz I hit the bottom too fast and couldn’t get out of the hole
Worked up to 125# and failed on 130#.
Worked up to 115#
165. failed 170 twice. well short of what i feel is possible… but this was what was possible today… losing best lumbar back positioning in bottom- that was limiting factor today. still a PR
worked up to 180 lbs (PR) Thanks Brett!
As Rx’d
Followed by “Annie”
Still have a bad back, didn’t push the weight or fight finish the last lift.
Unbelievable weight, Krista!!