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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

5 rounds for time(s):

Row 500 m

Rest 2:00


Run 800 m

Rest 2:00

Coach’s notes:  Post times for runs or rows to comments.

Comments: 16

Run 7.66 km = 40:23


With the weather so nice you should be encouraging people to run!

500m row = 400m run! The runners are working twice as hard!

I think that the 2:00 min rest should’ve been longer for the runners since we were working twice as hard 🙂 4:16/4:17/4:22/4:19/4:12

Thanks Michelle for the extra brain work required to figure out my times!!

Row 5x500m

Cory, where’s the nice weather???

I’m with Cory on this one, did 400m runs, but 6 reps (2min rest)

I think the runners just get twice the benefit…at least that is what I kept telling myself. Paced this too much in the middle 3:36/3:44/3:46/3:52/3:33. Thanks Michelle.

Row 5×500m

Barbell Targeted Training

Push Press – subbed Bench Press 3 RM: 135 (5 under PR)
SN G DL 3 RM: 200
Squat 3 RM: 185 (PR) (In January my 1 RM was 155)
Pull Up (did chin ups by mistake) 3 RM: 45 (PR)

Barbell TT Homework

Push press 3rm: 85 (pr)
SN G Deadlift 3rm: 170×2 grip failed
Squat 3rm: 180 (pr)
Chin up 3rm: bw/bw/5lb/7lb/10/12(pr)/15×2

As Rx’d RUN

3:34/3:49/3:26/3:32/3:30= 17:45

Good times


3:24/3:24/3:31/3:41/3:33 = 17:33

800m runs
Sub 3’s next time

3:09, 3:12, 3:20, 3:19, 3:25

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