Tuesday, March 12, 2019

A. 1 round for time of:
Row 500m
100 Single unders
Row 400m
75 Double Unders
Row 300m
50 Reverse Single Unders
Row 200m
25 Triple Unders
Row 100m
B. Practise Handstand holds with any time remaining.
TT WOD – Opens Prep:
18.3 – 2 rounds for time of:
100 Double unders
20 Overhead Squats – 115#/80#
100 Double Unders
12 Ring Muscle-ups
100 Double Unders
20 Dumbbell Snatches – 50#/35#
100 Double Unders
12 Bar Muscle-ups
*Time cap = 14 minutes.
Doubles unbroken, triples were all singles, still working on trying to string these together.
Thanks Derek
17:50 Rxd in open gym. Except the triple unders were mostly attempts with a few successes. Didn’t feel awesome today in general. Backwards singles and triples took a long time. DU were pretty decent though 🙂
Then did a few bits of tech work. Worked on some squat snatch technique at 65# – felt alright. Then a bit of handstand walk and pushup stuff. Finished with some shoulder work.
Triple Unders weren’t happening today. Only managed to get about 6 of them in about 2:30 of attempts.
Fun WOD.
Thanks Kim!
11:00 Rx.
Had to do 25 single triple unders. Kept the rowing around 1:42-1:40/500m. Last 100m I tried to pull 1:30/500m.
Thanks Natalie, good work 9am
Rx: 576 reps
1 Round + 12 OHS
Next time I need to break up the ring MU earlier, but everything else went really well
Thanks for counting and coaching Kim. Great work 7pm.