Tuesday, March 11, 2008
5 rounds for time:
400m run
15 sit-ups
15 KB swings
Coach’s notes: It’s supposed to be nice out tomorrow so, enjoy the run! Post time to complete to comments.
5 rounds for time:
400m run
15 sit-ups
15 KB swings
Coach’s notes: It’s supposed to be nice out tomorrow so, enjoy the run! Post time to complete to comments.
How heavy for KB swings?
Our runs were done on a tredmill…
Jay – 13:32 (24kg KB)
Mandy – 15:48 (16kg KB)
WOD in class, tough workout but I enjoyed it!
1.5 pood KB (26kg)
WOD as rx’d in class
17:16 using 20kg KB
so nice to run outside during CrossFit!
WOD as Rx’d in class
14:54 using 1.5 pood
DJ: 17:02 with 2 pood KB
Brittany: 18:21 with 20kg KB
good times!
Russ- 15:55 used 55lb DB (no KB at Y)
Colleen- 20:17 used 16kg KB
17:17 with red KB
subbed 400 m rows for run, hanging knees to belly for sit ups and used the small KB…19:something (memory is also not what it used to be)!