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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

CFC Kids

1 round for time amd reps:

Run 800m

Maximum rep Deadlift (1 set)

Run 800m

Maximum rep Push Up (1 set)

Run 800m

Maximum rep Jumping Pull Up (1 set)

Coach’s notes:  For each of the maximum rep sets there is no break between reps.  Guys use 200 lbs and gals use 135 lbs for deadlift.  Post total time and number of reps for each set to comments. 

Comments: 11

Check out these strong and happy CrossFit Kids from our First CFK session!

Sundays class included:
Warm up: Tabata Skipping
Review: Thrusters
Focus: Wall Balls
WOD: ‘KellyM’ named after her for her perfect form, positive attitude and best time
50 Squats
40 Box Jumps
30 Sit ups
20 Thrusters or Wallballs
10 Push Ups

Sara 6:15
Emma 5:25
Alyssa 5:46
Adam 5:55
Haley 5:44
Kelly 4:46
Eric 4:55
Game: Destructo Medicine Ball!

CFKs at CFC/OPT is a great way to introduce your 6-12 year old to CrossFit, a general strength and conditioning program in a fun and positive environment.

Next session starts Sunday, June 29-Aug 17, 8 weeks only $96/child. For this session only, we are offering a limited amount of ‘drop in’ spots @$20/session for those of you who are vacationing (must reserve in advance with OPT ADMIN). Please see the CFC KIDS section above or contact optadmin@optimumtraining.ca

Lunch time ‘hanging out at the gym’
– Snatch practice with 55 lb
– Clean practice with 55 to 135lb
– 30 bar muscle-ups in about 15 minutes. (I wasn’t going for time, and I wasn’t going for 30, but one MU led to another and next thing I knew….)

I’m going to pay the price for this in class tonight!

164 lbs for barbells (all i have at home and probably more than enough anyways)

Run: 3:08
Lifts: 12
Run: 4:03
Push-ups: 28
Run: 4:13
Jumps: 30

Total time: 13:50

Lunch time ‘hanging out at the gym’

500m row 1:35 PR

power cleans 155#’s careful not to do too much in anticipation of class.

some OHS practice

Deadlift 135 lbs x 40 reps
Pushups (kneeling) 31 reps
Jumping pullups 17 reps

Total time 17:38

As Rx’d
Deadlifts/push-ups/Jumping PU’s/Total
Total time 13:50

As Rx’d
Deadlifts/push-ups/Jumping PU’s/Total
Total time 16:51

As Rx’d
15 – 43 – 60 = 118

Subbed 65lb Sumo Deadlift High Pulls for Jumping Pullups.
28/46/20 = 94
16:21 running all over the gym. Lots of stares and smiles today. Love it!!!

as Rx’d
30/29/24 – 16:15

WOD in class
Paige: 14/20/25 – 14:59
131# deadlifts/strict pushups/jumping pullups

Julie: 18/20/20 – 19:30
10# DB in each hand deadlifts/knees down pushups/jumping pullups

Great workout! my body isn’t used to ‘no pauses’ 🙂 Can I have a do-over???

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