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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


With a 15 minute time limit: 

Run 1 mile

AMRAP Burpees 

Coach’s notes:  For this workout you have 15 minutes.  Start by running 1 mile.  With any time remaining perform As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) of Burpees.  Burpees are chest to deck and full extension at top with both feet leaving the ground.  Post time for the mile and number of burpees completed to comments.

Compare to October 3, 2008

Comments: 24

6am class:
7 rnds;
30s 20″ box jumps
30s rest
30s row
30s rest
30s wall balls 12#
30s rest
Total – 199

6am class, as per above
Wall ball at 20#
Total – 340
I think it was the first time I was working with the wall ball rather than fighting it…

1 mile – 8:17 and 45 burpees as rx’d

Mile – ~ 9:50
30 Burpees

Steve and cory thanks for getting back to me about the shoes. I have a sister who lives in the states that I can ship em to and have them brought up easily from Coeur d’Alene where she lives. I will get in touch with them by phone like Steve has mentioned.

Mack, it was chin over the bar, NOT chest to bar!!!

Mile – 6:50
81 burpies

Neil – Row a mile – 6:31 61 burpees
Judy – 9:40 29 burpees

1600 M @ 7:31

94 Burpies

Mile – 10:04
43 burpees

7:00pm class with Derek


120 burpees

Great job today everyone, tough workout…fantastic push

7:35 mile
47 burpees

105 burpees…
there may have been a few where i barely left the ground though…

not @ CFC
98 burpees….just couldn’t reach that 100 mark

6:45 mile
62 burpees

Did a practice for Grace with Chantel’s coaching
With 135#
10 C&J in 2:04 min
Rest 3 min
10 C&J in 1:47 min
Rest 3 min
10 C&J in 1:38 min

Well these times will lead to an 8 min Grace almost for sure
Maybe next time I do 15 and 15 and see what happens. At least the 135# felt manageable this time.

7:00 mile and 56.5(well, I made it to the floor;) BARFEES – in slow motion – there was a continuous fear of vomiting.
Great class Chantel and Evan!

Before the class I mapped out a 1 mile route (almost) on mapmyrun. It was a nice change of pace from the 400m. If anyone is interested for future reference, the URL is:

www dot mapmyrun dot com/route/ca/ab/calgary/644124521113048220

As for the workout, I ran the mile in 6:04 and managed 73 burpees. I actually didn’t mean to run the mile that fast, but the pace felt pretty comfortable. Burpees were as terrible as usual.

Run 7:45
Burpees 77
Thanks Chantal and Evan for an awesome class!
So proud of you Francis! I swear I’ll get a muscle up one day…

6:08/105 burpees…too fast on mile…slower pace and more burpees is a better strategy….

See 6 am class
37/36/39/38/37/36/37 Total – 259 or 260
20″ box jumps, #10 WB

Got another muscle up, on tape this time for a cool $5 prize.

6:06 run (6:07?) Stayed just behind Cory the pacemaker.
105 Burpees

Morning class was fun and I know that I need to work on my box jumps. Used 20lb ball for wall balls. Total 335. Well done Pierre.

D 6am class
41/39/40/40/37/35/33 = 265
Wall balls at 20lb and have lots of room for improvement.
Great workout, thanks James!

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