Tuesday, July 30, 2019
As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 35 minutes of:
800m run
15 Bench Press – 135#/85#
400m run
15 Kettlebell Swings – 1.5/1.0 pood
TT WOD – Off Season Fun:
A1. D-ball Carry – 200m X 5 sets, rest approx. 90s
A2. Backwards Medicine Ball Toss Over Rig – 2-4 reps X 5 sets, rest approx. 90s
A3. Max Weight Bar Hold – 45s X 5 sets, rest approx. 90s
Notes: Add to body weight if successful for 45s.
A4. Sled Drags – 100 ft. X 5 sets, rest min. 120s
Coach’s notes:
For WOD post rounds and reps complete and for TT WOD post all results to comments.
WOD Leaderboard
4 rounds and 500m
Bench at 100lbs and KB at 1.25.
Great job 6 am, thanks Brett!!!
First off, great job to the 6:00am Crew, you guys crushed it, speedy Jeremy, especially, but the ladies held their own too!
Grant, glad you liked the bench WOD, haha!
I am still messed up from that awful thing……….I need to find a new class, 10:00amer’s you are too fit!
4 rounds + 800m + 13 reps. Terrible, terrible WOD.
4 rounds + 800m run + 15 KB + 400m run… so close. I reversed the Bench Press and KB due to stagger the equipment.
– KB Rx and all unbroken
– Bench @ 115# – unbroken for rounds 1 and 2
Thanks for the race today Brett and Derek. That was quite the mental push. Thanks for coaching Josh.
Got to open gym with only 15 minutes to spare.
Did 4 rounds of row 500m and 15 bench at 135. Didn’t keep track of time.
3 rounds + 800m + 15 + 200m
Subbed floor press at 135 due to class size.
4600m + 60 press + 45 KBS is not bad for this slow poke.
Thanks Josh. Fantastic job 6pm. So many people!
4 rounds plus 300m, subbed floor press at 95#, 1.25 pood KBS
Thanks Josh
Came back at 6pm for this one. 4 rounds plus about 200-300m run of the 5th round. Did 400m but got back in at 35:31. Nice work all! Rxd, except I did floor press with a few others due to such a large class, which did help with a slightly shorter range of motion.
Stuck around for TT, just lazily worked through 2 rounds. 100# dball carry, 30# over the rig, 45# empty bar for the hold, and sled drag over the shoulders backpack style – think we had about 125# on there ballpark?
Thanks Josh!!
6pm class. 2 rounds plus 400m. (I started at the 400 because of big class). Kb at .5 and just bar at 35 pounds. Ran as much as humanly possible. Will be sore tomorrow. Thank you to everyone for the super motivating words of encouragement. 🙂
Thanks Josh!
Rx: 4 rounds + 790m
Need to have faster transitions. Went unbroken on all the bench and KBS (would stop running when no one was looking).
Thanks Josh!