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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A1.     Weighted Pull-up – 2-3 reps @ 30X1 X 5 sets, rest 90s
A2.     Double Unders – AMRAP in 40s X 5 sets, rest 90s
B.      Snatch Balance – 1 rep X 7 sets, rest 2:00
Coachs notes:  Post load for all sets of pull-ups and reps for double unders.  Post load for all sets of snatch balance.  Remember this is not a push jerk and then OHS.

Comments: 24

Can you explain the rep/set scheme with this one? Thanks!

A1. Weighted Pull-up – 2-3 reps @ 30X1 X 5 sets, rest 90s

KDU a weighted pull-up means that you add extra weight on to your body using DB’s, weight vest, etc. You do anywhere from 2-3 reps with the lowering phase of the pull-up being controlled (3 seconds down), no pause at the bottom and then try to pull-up as fast as you can and pause at the top for 1 second. Rest 90 seconds then do A2, rest another 90 seconds then do Pull-ups again. If you get 3 pull-ups in you will increase weight each set, if you only get 1 or 2 you probably won’t want to increase the weight. Repeat for 5 sets, hope that helps.

What does 30x1x5 mean? I understand the alternating b/w PU and DU for 5 sets (hence the “x5”) and I understand the tempo of the pullups… But what does the “30×1” mean? thanks again!

Also, Im following this site 1 day behind… That 7rds, 7cleans, 200m run from the other day was a great wod….

Also, what is the l;ogic behind the programming of alternating exercises? Ive been following CF/CFE for about 2 yrs now and havent seen that much…

KDU – Chelsea explained the 30X1 in her response as well as the X5.

kdu – I assume your confusion is in thinking of the X as a “times”. The X actually means the movement is explosive (as Chelsea put it, pull-up as fast as you can). Tempo is expressed with 4 characters, the first being the tempo to lower in seconds, the second being the number of seconds at the bottom of the movement, the third being the tempo to raise yourself (X in this case), and the last being the time at the top of the movement.

So as Chelsea said:
3 – 3 seconds lowering
0 – No pause at the bottom of the movement
X – Explosive up
1 – 1 second pause at the top of the movement.

Hope that is all clear now!

KDU – Check out this link for more info on the tempo topic:


Thanks everybody… That does make sense now. Cory, I did think the “x” was times, not “X-plosive”.

Glad I got to spark some conversation!

Thanks again!

3@ 2 purple bands; 2 @ 2 purple bands + 7.5; 2@ purple band; 2@ 2 pb; 1 at pb (failed on last attempt)
Double Unders are my nemesis.
Snatch Balance: Failed to drop properly under bar – started at 42 and went down. Had a better drop at 32.


Hard WOD…

A1. 55lbx3/65lbx3/65lbx2/65lbx2 (not at tempo)/65lbx1
A2. 55/40/40/40/60
B. 115×2/135×3/155×1

Notes: Tempo was hard to maintain especially after DUs…shoulders were smoked from this one. Could not recover for snatch balance which made SB very challenging…

Did manual labor all day. Felt like I was only doing the WOD for the Participant ribbon.

A1 – 25X3/25X3/25X3/25X4/25X4 – had no options for increasing wt. (beyond drinking water) so increased reps to failure.
A2 – 11/20/18/12/18 – very few strung together – couldn’t find the rhythm

B – did some sort of snatch balancey thing with two 25 lb. DBs. The less said the better.

A1 – 25×3/30×2 to 2.5 for the other 4 rds
A2 – DU’s (my favorite) – practiced
B – got up to 75 lbs
A1 – blue bandX3/blue band x3/2 purple x2/2purple x3/2 purple x1
A2 – 25(shoelaces got undone)/33/40/45/37
B – as usual baby steps 11/16/21/26/31(f)..ran out of time
Great to see you again Colleen(whoops sorry for calling you Yvonne)!
Thanks Michelle for all your help!

A1 body weight x3/5×3/10×3/15×3/20×2 and a kiped pullup
A2 no idea on the numbers would go about 20-25 sec then mess up and have trouble going again
B 95/115(failed weight too far back on heals)/115/125/135/145/155

Did Fran and posted there (Sat. July 24)

A1. 7.5×3/10×2/10×2/10×3/10×2
A2. 67/69/63/48/45 – Straight through for the first 3 rnds and then broken for the last 2 rnds.
B. Did bench press instead ( 4reps at the same tempo as the weighted pull ups)
Thanks Michelle for the great coaching!

A1. 32.5-32.4(2)x3 sets- 32.5(1)
A2. 71-65-66-74-65
B. 205-225-245-265-285(f)-285(f)-275

285 was just too dang heavy!

A1 10/15/20/25/35 all x3
A2 13/18/18/17/13
B 95/105/115/125/135(f)/135/145

A1 – 30, 35, 35, 40, 50 all x 3
A2 – 12, 21, 14, 8, 17
B – 115, 135, 135, 135, 155(f), 155

Did Roy!!! 45 min
5 rds for time:
15 DL @ 225#
20 box jumps 24 in
25 pull ups


Did a different workout because of my shoulder…..I just want to do some pull-ups darn it.

400 meter run
20 HD’s (20, 20, 20, 10 plus 10, 10 plus 10)
40 double unders (unbroken) (40, 40, 40, 40, 29 then 40.)
5 times

Time 28:58 Thanks Michele for altering the WOD for me!
Judy—-No problem, it was great seeing both you and Neil.

Kept Alvaro company with “Roy”. As rx’d 22:15. Hands are shredded up

A1 – 20, 30, 40 , 50, 55 Last set only got 2 reps

A2 – Between 37 and 45 each set (My Best DU Ever)

B1 – 75, 85, 95, 105 (Failed), 105

A1: BWx3/5#x3/7.5#x1/5#x1/BWx2
A2: 58/50/62/63/67
B: 32/42/52/62/69.5/72(f)/72 (PR by 17.5#!)

Thanks Michelle!

A1: #5/#5/#7.5/10/15
A2: 8/6/10/6/8/…one day I will practice these…

B: 35/50.5/51/65/70/73/

A1. 15,20,22.5,25×2,25×2 *these felt heavy (very heavy today!!!)
A2. (don’t have book in front of me) 56 I think most… 42?? I think least (going from memory)
*will post again*
B. 55,,65,70,75,80,85,95 (more of a slow-mo down) 95(f)
Thanks Michelle! love your classes!

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