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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, July 26, 2021

Complete for time:

4 Rope Climbs
24 Power Snatch โ€“ 95#/65#
5 Wall Walks
3 Rope Climbs
18 Power Snatch
8 Wall Walks
2 Rope Climbs
12 Power Snatch
11 Wall Walks
1 Rope Climb
6 Power Snatch
14 Wall Walks

Coachโ€™s notes:

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Comments: 4

24:03, I think. Used straps for the snatch to protect my soft office hands, everything else Rx’d. Wall walks wrecked me.
Thanks Colin! Once again with the return of the OG core party!

Scaled to half way up the wall into not so graceful belly flops!

Needed a life preserver for the last round.

Good job 6pm.

Whoa! That was a sweaty mess!๐Ÿ˜“ Seemed like a lot of good energy for this 6pm class! Awesome!๐Ÿ˜…

Thanks Kim!

Big party going on at 6pm.

CrossFit is back!! The suffering was real for my sorta-outa-shape shoulders. It was a slippery mess to navigate.

Scaled everything.

Rope climbs became 3 toes-to-hands for every climb. Focused on keeping arms straight with controlled leg descent.

Power Snatches were from knees with the exception of first lift from floor. 75# was perfectly hard enough. My injured feet forced me to keep my feet flat. This was surprisingly good for my form.

Wall walks: I did 5-6 reps and 11 last round. My poor feet/toes would barely bend. Need to do way more of these. So good for my shoulder strength. I would wear rubber gloves for wall walks to avoid the necessary plastic surgery I would need to repair my face.

Time: 28:00

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