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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


100 Pull-ups

100 Push-ups

100 Sit-ups

100 Squats

Coach’s notes: Post time to complete to comments.

Comments: 23

At 6 a.m.
Rick as Rx’d 22:20
Adelle blue band for PU’s, from knees for Push ups 24:39
Great work everyone!

grn band assisted PU’s & girly push ups 34:30

15:12 as rx’d
For the record, pushups suck.

green band assisted (15 with blue, then switched)

16:02 as prescribed. Pullups were butterfly to 70, then done normal in fives. Pushups were done in tens until about 40, then basically 5s then 3s to get done.
Situps were unanchored, Squats were full depth/full extension. I dont expect to be at this number next time around. Little better pacing next time.


Pull-ups really sucked bad today. Could only manage 30/20/ and lots of sets of 5/3. Far cry from the 40/30/20/10 last time.
Push-ups – are my nemesis. All sets of 5’s, 3’s and singles – ouch!
Sit-ups un-anchored and straight through
Squats 50/10/10/10/20

15:33 as rx’d
sliced the tip of my thumb today for 5 stitches so pull ups were entertaining

20:30 as rx’d. Wanted sub 20, oh well. Next time.
We are all in agreement, pushups suck.

I’ve done 100 situps followed by 100 squats before, in sets of 50 and it wasn’t too bad. I found it interesting how the pullups and pushups made these movements significantly harder. Or was it all in my head?

First time as rx’ed 26;26 and wow do my PUSH UPS SUCK! Awesome work to everyone=especially the girls who pushed themselves hardd and did their pull ups as rx’ed-Krista, Erin and katie!!! Amazing class-welcome to all the new members at CFC!!!

29:23….. as prescribed!! however… had to break up chinups/pushups – 65 then switched to 50/last 35/ and final 50 – ditto above on pushups (brutal) done in 10’s and 5’s
I’ll make that board yet!
Chantal CONGRATS!!! you are AWESOME! thanks for pushing me on & Erin you too!! – I really appreciated it! it was a great class! ditto on chantal’s comments! nice work girls!

Neil – 29:34 blue band assisted PU
Judy – 26:22 blue band assisted PU, pushups from knees

FYI, a picture of team CFC kicking ass is on dot coms affiliate blog

time: long enough to greet the next class in their warm up. I would love to say that I did as rx’d as a few of the strong gals in the class did- well done to you – holy smoke you are all so strong and fast! I did sets of 10 for each exercise for the first 3 and a half sets- my pull ups take a long time. Then I failed a bunch of pull ups and used the blue band for sets of 15 then sets of 20 for each exercise. Next time I hope I’ll be better. Oh push ups after 35 were a mix of toes and knees.

forgot to note – push ups from knees

As rx’d 27:10 I think. Pushups were way harder after pullups. Had to do singles half way through. Great class! Everybody worked so hard.

as rx’d 30:49 Thanks for all the encouragement from everybody! Great class!

Sets of 10
blue band after 61

D 25.54, pullups slow but first time this many wout band.
6am class, thanks for the push Trevor!

30:25. Broken into sets of 10, with green band for pull ups.

14:05 as rx’d

did ab mat situps….did not realize these were harder than normal SUs…this really slowed me down…and they were hard!! First WOD in 5 days and it showed 🙂

of note I did eight sets of 10 pull ups and 2 sets of 5 and I was done in less than 3 minutes…the push ups slowed me down the most…

oops…i meant 9 sets of 10 pull ups…

as rx’d 19:02

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