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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


With a 15 minute time limit:

75 Knees to Elbows

AMRAP Alternating Pistols


Coach’s notes:  Post number of pistols to comments.

Compare to November 18, 2008


Comments: 14

Sorry, new to this. What is AMRAP Alternating Pistols?

AMRAP means “as many reps as possible” so you complete the 75 knees to elbows, and then perform as many pistols as you can until time runs out. If you don’t know what a pistol is here is a decent video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_use_0MM2M the only correction I would make is that this dude is rounding his back to much, so don’t do that and don’t use the weight. I am guessing you have never done a pistol before so try it first beside something to hold on to or squat to a box or a chair or something like that. Its a difficult movement.

125 pistols, elevated heel on 5lb plate

At lunch
Front Squat 165x5x3
Weighted Pullups 30lbx5x3
Push Press 122x5x3
Might do the WOD in class tonight.

28 squats, not pistols

66 pistols

Left leg needed some balance assistance.

28 yom 178 lbs

K->e took 3:30

Then squeezed out 173 pistols with a less than neutral spine but definately A2A

23 pistols to a smaller med ball, k2e went pretty good
lots of funny looks at the gym, almost as many as when I wear my lifting shoes (siver&red)
need to work on the pistol, I know I can do more but the form gets me when I fall over 1/2 way up

As rx’d 160 k2e band assisted

oh yeah, 23 each leg

150 pistols band assisted.
Used fat bar for K2E, made grip difficult.
Still lacking flexibility for pistols, but better than in Nov.
Big day today, need rest now.

93 assisted pistols

Did 3 rounds of 50 box jumps, 21 Deadlifts w/185# and 30 Pull-Ups.
Time:38 min. I liked this one! My hands are not happy, though!

201 band assisted pistols

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