Tuesday, January 5, 2010
5 rounds for time:
20 Wall Balls
20 Med Ball Cleans
40 Med Ball Overhead Walking Lunges
Compare to June 8, 2009
Coach’s notes: Guys use 20 lbs gals use 14 lbs for all movements. Post time to complete to comments.
CF Games 2010 – CFC Affiliate Team info is now posted. Click here to view.
CFC 2 Saturday, February 27, 2010. Stay tuned for more details.
I couldn’t walk properly for a week after this workout last time!!!!
size small and medium in the black “heart burpees” hoody are finally in stock! we also have women’s fitted shirts of the same design!
ryan- i crashed hard on this WOD last time… had to stop a round short and finish the workout an hour later. what doesn’t kill you…
Rick with 14# 20:18
Adelle with 8# 26:31 in stocking feet that got really cold and wet by the end. (Forgot my runners)
Not looking forward to the hurting body parts tomorrow. Thanks for the push 6 a.m. gang!
6am class
having some shoulder issues today so sub’d
12# WBs (switched to 6# after first round)
12# cleans
6# preggo/baby on the hip walking lunges – I don’t know what to call these??
28:27 as rx’d last time I did this wod I used 8 lb – nice to do as rx’d – still felt slow –
anything would be slow next to mighty machine KT (Katie) in class!!! holy smokin’ this WOD!! awesome job Katie!! impressive! everyone did great in 9:30 class – Rick you did awesome too from your time!!!
Michelle thanks for the great class! I definitely need your pushes! thanks!
As Rx: 32:39 ….PR
Previous time was 39:10…!
It’s amazing how the human body adapts and a true testimonial to Crossfit.
Nicely done John!!!!!!
You too Krista, way to push yourself to do it as rx’d :o)
27:10 with 22 lb ball. This was my first full rx since getting banged up over a year ago. I couldn’t walk then and I can’t walk now. Oh the irony!
6 am…14# ball
unfortunately read the WOD wrong. after 4 rounds realized i was only doing 20 OH walking lunges therefore proceeded to do 80 in a row at round 4 and then 60 at round 5 to total 200. Good job everyone……
Time: 24:08
OH NO! I did the same as Liz. 21:20 as rx’d except I only did 20 walking lunges each time – I did not realize this until now. GEESH! Wow this is too bad! Oh well, I’m sure I still improved over last time anyhow. Good job to everyone this morning it was tough.
BTW sorry to all the the people in the 9:30 class..
25:50…not as req’d, but close enough. I am feeling proud of my jello legs for holding up! Good job legs! And good job everyone else who did this WOD 🙂
As Rx’d (except 20#db/h thrusters for wallball)
As rx’d 29:15 this will not feel good in the morning
Neil as rx’d 36:58
Judy – I’m back after three weeks away…perfect WOD to come back to. Did only half of the WOD with 6 lbs. Brutal, feels like I am starting all over again…ugh
As rx’d 29:12. Kept Kim pace. I think I need Kim in every workout. Improved over 5 min from last time! Where was Cory today?
As rx’d 32.17.
as rx’d 35 and change
didn’t really enjoy this workout. got really stiff in the lower back
katie – you STILL smoked this wod!!! your time wouldn’t have been much different!
Krista, you are a gem! My first clue should have been finishing before you – YOU are SPEEDY GONZALES!!
My quads just recovered from the 200 thrusters. There was no way I was signing up for another week of that!
35:56 12lbs. Cory I should have gone with your thinking. My knees already hurt. Well done Dave and Chad.