7:31.8 (PR)
Thanks MIchelle and Chelsea for the push!
January 18th, 2011 - Joanne
Wow, tired legs today….
Awesome class as usual Michelle!
Thanks for the push at the end Michelle and Chelsea!
January 18th, 2011 - Krista
Ali… The perfect example of hspu … Mine… Looking pretty ugly! 🙂
Thanks for fun class this am – great warmup, practice snatch – much appreciated Michelle!
Did Sundays wood posted there
January 18th, 2011 - Chelsea
Nice job 9:30 class, it was a fantastic energy in the room today.
January 18th, 2011 - Olga
Thank you Michelle! Great class!
January 19th, 2011 - JeffL
Nothing special
Usually I can get 800 m in before it gets unpleasant. This time it hit 250 m in.
January 19th, 2011 - Darren
7:24.4 Damper on 6
Did this one at the Y.
Felt like rowing in Quick Sand Today.
January 19th, 2011 - Trent
7:32.5 (New PR)
Thanks Erin
January 19th, 2011 - Misschris
9:30…happy to complete another wo.
January 19th, 2011 - LeoP
7:47 new PR by 22 seconds
January 19th, 2011 - mattfasteuro
7:29 (new pr)
January 19th, 2011 - shirtr
7:57 – done on the 19th. Damper 6.
Stopped 3 times. Legs still tight from GHD workout last week!
Being someone other than Dr. Brin:Considering the reaction to Obama Volume II, I have to believe that certain factions of the business world are not yet willing to resume self-critique.
7:31.8 (PR)
Thanks MIchelle and Chelsea for the push!
Wow, tired legs today….
Awesome class as usual Michelle!
Thanks for the push at the end Michelle and Chelsea!
Ali… The perfect example of hspu … Mine… Looking pretty ugly! 🙂
Thanks for fun class this am – great warmup, practice snatch – much appreciated Michelle!
Did Sundays wood posted there
Nice job 9:30 class, it was a fantastic energy in the room today.
Thank you Michelle! Great class!
Nothing special
Usually I can get 800 m in before it gets unpleasant. This time it hit 250 m in.
7:24.4 Damper on 6
Did this one at the Y.
Felt like rowing in Quick Sand Today.
7:32.5 (New PR)
Thanks Erin
9:30…happy to complete another wo.
7:47 new PR by 22 seconds
7:29 (new pr)
7:57 – done on the 19th. Damper 6.
Stopped 3 times. Legs still tight from GHD workout last week!
The truth just shines thogruh your post
MililiVantili napsal:Přátelé nevÃm kde jinde bych se na to mohl zeptat. Mám steam v ÄeÅ¡tinÄ›, hru portal 2 mám taky v ÄeÅ¡tinÄ›, ale titulky mám anglicky…nevÃte jak to zmÄ›nit? mÃval jsem je normálnÄ› v ÄeÅ¡tinÄ› a pak najednou nevÃm proÄ jsou anglicky…nevÃte jak to spravit? dÃk za pÅ™Ãpadné odpovÄ›di.
I’m not quite sure how to say this; you made it extremely easy for me!
Being someone other than Dr. Brin:Considering the reaction to Obama Volume II, I have to believe that certain factions of the business world are not yet willing to resume self-critique.
« ’C’est gentil de m’interpeller. J’aime ça. Cela me permet en général de clore le bec du contradicteur. »Quelle modestie… En même temps vu le ton, rien de bien surprenant!
Eu não sabia que um autista podia ter esses dons.E o facto de ser cego e ver melhor interiormente é fabuloso. Acho que o Miguel Ângelo já teorizava o mesmo.