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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

4 Rounds for time(s)

10 Pull-ups

15 Burpees

20 Deadlift

25 Double Unders

Rest 5:00 mins

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 185 and gals 115 lbs for the deadlift.  Post time for all sets and total time to comments.


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Comments: 5

3:32/3:36/3:56/3:56 = 15:01

Doing the deadlifts after the burpees was the tough part, and I broke them into 2 sets. Double unders after the deadlifts were unbroken, but my arms were not enjoying it very much!

I modified this workout. PU were band-assisted, deadlifts were 75lbs, 100 single skips.

2:46/2:53/3:04/3:04 Total: 11:47
As Rxd

As Rx’d
2:28/2:34/2:42/3:04 total = 10:48

As rx’d
4:04/ 3:28/ 3:44/ 4:14 total:15:10

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