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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


On the minute:


Handstand Push-Ups (HSPU’s)

Coach’s notes:  For this one perform 1 HSPU in the first minute, 2 in the second, 3 in the third and so on until you can no longer complete the required reps in the minute.  For those that are working on their HSPU’s substitute a feet elevated, piked push-up.  In other words, place your feet on a bench, box or any appropriately elevated height (higher is harder, lower, easier), pike at the waist to position your torso as close to vertical as possible and then perform the push-up as you would against the wall with full extension of the arms at the top and forehead touching the floor at the bottom.  Post the total complete minutes plus partial reps to comments.

Comments: 2

I did the WOD of Feb 17…row – 9:40, wall ball – 3:40, sit-ups/back ext. – 7:42 Total time – 21:02

we did this in class tonight, i made it to the 11th minute but couldn’t get myself up from my 10th rep and did the pike version, not handstand, maybe someday…

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