Tuesday, February 17, 2009
2:00 Thruster
2:00 Rest
2:00 Row (cal)
2:00 Rest
2:00 Deadlift
2:00 Rest
2:00 Back Extension
2:00 Rest
2:00 Medicine Ball Slams
2:00 Rest
Coach’s notes: Guys use 75 lbs for thruster and gals 45 lbs, 135 lbs and 95 lbs for the deadlift and 20 lbs and 12 lbs for the med ball slams. Post total for each exercise and total for all 5 to comments.
All clients (existing and new) need to fill out new membership forms for classes at the new facility. Click here for the membership forms.
CrossFit Kids classes at CFC HQ – Tuesdays 4:15-5:00 pm and Saturdays 8:45-9:30 am for children ages 6-12. Introduce your child(ren) to the benefits of CrossFit while you do your WOD, and have them show you how fun fitness can be! Up to 2 classes per week for only $50/child/month. Contact Trevor at admin@crossfitcalgary.ca to register or for more details.
36,31,25,35,42….169, not very impressive.
Row 37 cal
Deadlift 95lbs 62
Back Ext 71
Med Ball Slams 12 lbs 39
Thrusters 45 lb 36
Thrusters @ 75lbs – 41
Row – 48 calories
Deadlift @ 135 lbs – 52
Back Ext – 66
Med Ball Slams @ 20 lbs – 52
Total – 259
thrusters: 32
row: 35
deadlift: 40
back ext: 58
med ball slams: 47
TOTAL: 212
Thrusters 45lbs – 36
Row – 34
Deadlift 95lbs – 36
Back Ext – 48
Ball slams 12lbs – 45