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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A.  Split Jerk (from rack) – 2 reps x 6 sets, rest 90-120 seconds

B.  OHS (from floor)/SDLHP 1-7-1 Ladder for time – 95#/65#

Coach’s notes:  Do not work to a single in the split jerk.  Post loads for A and time to complete B to comments.


Comments: 26

At 6 a.m.
2 km row 9:16.4 which was a PB for me.
I tried Gord’s method of 3 hard 5 easy and it seemed to work. I wonder if I can ever break 9 minutes?
Thanks Laura another fun class.

Great time working out with the 6:00 gang. 2 km row= 7:52:02.

Laura – Thanks for the great warm-up. Adding the gymnastics elements was a welcome challenge.

A: worked up to 40lbs, felt easy. Form was not so hot.

B: 30lbs for the first half of the ladder, 40lbs for the second. Hard time getting the squats right, bit of walking, some wobble. 15:08

Did one of last week’s WOD’s 3 rounds of 15 Toes to Bar/15 Front Squat/15 Burpees/15 Power Cleans 11:41 as rx’d.

A) 100/105/110/115/120/125
B) Homework: Front Squats

95×5/105×5/115×5/125×5/135×2 (came forward out of the squat

Had to stay close to home today so I went for a 30 minute run and did part B. I need practice on the jerk but we don’t have a rack.
B: 4:09 as rx’d with metal plates on a cement floor..no dropping today. Feels weird not to thank a coach so, I’ll thank my loving family for providing the weights and support:)

A) 110/120/125/130/135/140 – this was my 1 RM last year
B) (80 lbs) 13:26

9 rds: 4 power cleans @ 150# (80% of max) + 10 burpees + rest 4 min
B. Ladder of the day in 10:25 as rx’d

A. socializing too much and only did 3 sets to an easy 105
B. 8:10 as rx’ed-fun wod, thanks Todd!

Pretty sure I messed up my ladder- flu delirium- I did 1-7 ladder of OHS alternating with 7-1 ladder of SDLHP- dear, dear leave it to me. Oh well, I did something at least!

A. 1@ 85lbs, 5@ 95lbs
B. as rx’d 13:57

Nice to see so many new faces at the 9:30 class.
Great class Michelle!

A. 95/105/115/120/125/135 *kept fairly easy to work on speed, form*
B. 7:59 as rx’d
Great class at 9:30!!! Thanks Michelle!
*still need to do TT homework!!!

Only did part B. tonight- 8:04 as rx’d….
Thanks for counting for me Chelsea and to Todd for awesome coaching, as always!

A. 95/115/135/145/155/160
B. 9:49 as Rx’d
Thanks Todd

A. 85/95/105/115/125/135
B.16 minutes as RX’D
Awesome class

A. Only did a few sets up to 125 and just played around with landing position, thanks Todd for the pointers!

B. 7:49 as rx’d

A: worked up to 145#
B: 8:21 Rx

A: form started a fair bit off, so I left it at 95# and tried to get my technique a bit tighter. Need to work on keeping my back leg straight, a longer and slightly wider stance, avoid putting too much weight on my front leg, and getting my back heel closer to the ground. plenty to work on!
B: ~18m @ 75#. SDLHP was smooth & easy, OHS was limited by my wrist again. It felt better with a narrower grip, which I was able to widen a bit as the ladder went on without too much pain.

A. worked up to 155#
B. 11.36?? it didn’t register fully when i looked.
Used 95# but dropped most of the SDLHP from below waist so don’t think its rx’d?

A. 115/125/135/140/145/155
B. 16:50 75 lbs
A. 33/42/47/57/62/67×1
B. 15:30 22lb OHS/45 SDLHP

A. 65/70/75/80/85/90 – could have gone a bit heavier but the wrists were shot
B. 11:07 – 47 lbs – thanks for the encouragement at the end todd!

I meant to post this yesterday:
A) 95/95/95/115/125/125
B) 9:13

Thanks for all the coaching Todd.

Como no entendí nada, hice rutina local

A: Worked to 185
B: 10:03 as Rx’d no sets broken but did take my time.

Squats needed to be lower on a lot

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