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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, February 12, 2008



30 reps for time:

                              135 lb. Clean and Jerk                               


Coach’s notes:  Definitely scale this one if appropriate.  Post time to complete to comments and how you broke up the set if you wish.

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Comments: 6

completed workout using power cleans and push jerks at 1 rep intervals 89lbs 10:00

Used 56lbs. Finished in 4:35…next time I’ll go heavier.
Finished the evening off with a As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of Knees to Elbows (5) and sit ups (15) – got 7 rounds plus two KtoE.

Made the board! 3:45 as RX’d
Also finished with as many rounds in 10 mins of Knees to elbows(5) and sit ups(15)- i think 9 rounds + 5 KTE and 7 situps

“Grace Light” – Scaled weight to 110 lb (BW 158)

30 reps Power C&J


Great workout by all the Crossfit athletes last night.

Heavily scaled to 55 lbs…4:03

VERY COOL-this was my ‘first’ Grace and I REALLY cant wait to do this one with some heavier weight in July and GET ON THE BOARD! Great warmup and class-Trevor!

I must say that the additional Olympic Lifting training that I been doing with Brett (and Geoff and Trevor) with my kick ass training partner Michelle (Ms 150%) has paid off immensely with my form and confidence and these kind of workouts which ‘sort of scared’ me/made me nervous before are now my absolulte favourites!!!

Seriously-take your training to the next level and take advantage of the AMAZING COACHING that we have at CROSSFIT CALGARY….(THE ‘TRUE’ SANTA CRUZ NORTH)!!!!!!

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