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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

With a 15 minute time limit:

150 KB Swings

AMRAP Jumping Burpees


Coach’s notes:  Guys use 1.5 pd, gals use 1 pd for KB swings.  Jumping burpees to 6” above reach.  Post number of jumping burpees to comments.

Comments: 14

as rx’d w/ 45 jumping burpees…whew, thanks for the encouragement, Michelle

At 6:00 a.m.
5 rounds, just to work off the calories
5 Strict chin-ups – weighted if necessary (James assisted – good work!) rest for 5 breaths
5 per leg DB single leg squats (10#/hand) rest for 10 breaths
AMRAP Ring Pushups 4,4,5,4,4 rest for 5 breaths
20 walking lunges carrying 20#WB rest for 10 breaths
15 GHD back extensions (this was painful after Sunday’s WOD)
Rest as long as necessary in between sets.
Felt very light-headed after that last round. Good work everyone.
Thanks for a great class James

1.25 pood – finished with about 4:40 left
Grip kept me to sets of 12 for last half
32 jumping burpees

as rx’d
6:20 for KBS
93 Burpees

As rx’d Finished KBS with about 7min left.
53 jumping burpees.
Thanks Gord, I think the deadlift warm up really helped with the KBS.

As RX’D! (can’t often say that)
45 burpees
My goal was to burpee my age.
Made my goal plus some extra.

Rx’d KBS in 10:36 then 44 burpees.

As rx’d.
55 jumping burpees

As rx’d
50 jumping burpees (had about 6 minutes left after KB swings)
Thanks Gord!

KB swings took about 8:30, and then managed to scrape out 54 jumping burpees even though my arms were too tired to slow my descent!

35 burpees. hard one!

as rx’d. 28 burpees.

Did on Wednesday. 101 Burpees, KB Swings 5:59.

Finished KB swings at 9:43.
40 burpees

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