Tuesday, December 15, 2009
As many rounds in 8 minutes of:
8 Left Arm DB Snatch
8 GHD Sit-ups
8 Right Arm DB Snatch
8 GHD Sit-ups
Rest 4 minutes
Alternating Tabatas of: (16 total Tabata intervals)
Coach’s notes: Guys use 35lbs for DB snatch, gals use 25lbs. Post rounds + reps completed for part 1 and number of Tabata reps to comments.
high bid for the flames tickets (see yesterday’s picture) is $120
kris at crossfitcalgary dot ca
“Filthy 20 Minutes”
Box Jump (24″) – 23
Jumping PUs – 50
W. Lunges – 40
K2Es – 16 (gross!)
Push Press (45#) – 23
Back Ext. – 24
Wall Balls (started with 14#, switched to 12#) – 26
Burpees – 18 (yuck!)
Double Unders – 40
Really dragging my @ss today. Still, a fun class!
6am wod: 20 minutes of Filthy Fifties – 2 minutes per exercise.
BJ (24 inches)-33
JPU- 95
KB (1 pood)- 47
walking lunges- 71
K2E- WOW I suck at these- did 1 at a time – 11
PP – 50
BE – 60
WB – verrry bad -spent first while finding a spot and the next while trying not to hurt myself and those around me – 10
burpees- slow -20
DU- 60
Thanks DJ and Colin – it was a great workout. Colin I don’t think I thanked you for kindly taping my hands so, thank you!
With the 6 a.m. crew
20 Filthy mins Adelle Rick
2 min Box Jumps 20″ 27 24″ 46
2 min Jumping CU 57 85
2 min KB swings .7pd 54 1 pd 46
2 min WalkLunges 56 63
2 min Knees-Elbows 25 Situps 61
2 min push press 45# 33 33
2 min back ext 43 41
2 min WB 8# 23 #14 27
2 min burpees 20 23
2 min Double Unders 68 64
Totals 416 489
Good work everyone. Thanks DJ and Colin for the encouragement.
20 Filthy mins
2 min Box Jumps 42
2 min Jumping CU 105
2 min KB swings 1 pd 53
2 min WalkLunges 70
2 min Knees-Elbows 17
2 min push press 45# 52
2 min back ext 62
2 min WB 20# 35
2 min burpees 21
2 min Double Unders 71
Totals 528
Thanks DJ and Colin
4 rounds plus 8 Left Arm DB Snatch
Tabata squats 19, 17, 17, 16, 15, 15, 14, 14
Tabata pushups 16, 14, 13, 12, 10, 10, 11, 10
3 Rds even + 222 tabata
6am with DJ- 20 Filthy minutes
2min BJ 24″- 36
2min Jumping pullups- 80
2min KBS 1pd- 60
2min Walking lunges – 67
2min Knees-Elbows – 27
2min PP 45#- 50
2min Back ext – 60
2min WB 14#- 21 ( should have pushed harder)
2min Burpees – 23
2min DU- 100
Total:534 Thx a bunch Dj and Colin…….
3 rnds + 4 snatches
25# snatches, switched to sit-ups after 10 GHD’s
Squats 20/16/16/15/14/12/15/20//128
Push up 21/14/9/8/8/7/8/9//84
212 total
5 GHD’s short of 3 rounds.
no idea how many in tabata
3 1/2 rounds (didn’t finish right arm DB, and last 8 GHDs)
Squats 147 (20,19,18,16,16,18,20,20)
Pushups 88 (18,11,11,10,10,9,10,9)
total: 235
Thanks Laura! fun wod!
Lost count of rounds, but Steve counted 5 and I was keeping up with him and trading GHD machine. Left side as Rx’d, Right side split snatch.
Squat total: 165 (23, 21, 21, 20, 20, 20, 19, 21)
Push ups total 95 (13, 13, 13, 13, 10, 11, 11, 11)
3 1/2 rds + 1 right arm DB snatch.
Squats: 18,16 for the next 7 rds. 140 total
Push-ups: 14,11,10,9,9,8,8,8 77 total
Thanks DJ.
3 rds as rx’d + 6 GHD sit ups (did GHD sit ups before snatches to start)
Squats: 24/23/24/20/20/20/18/18
Push ups: 16/11/8/6/6/6/6/6
Total: 232
First of all, just quickly want to thank all of the coaches and everybody in class for helping me become a much fitter, healthier, and in turn happier person; today is my 1 year CF anniversary! And a huge thank you to my dear friend Jason who shared his enthusiasm with me and got me hooked!
As for the workout:
6 GHD sit-ups shy of 3 rounds. Scaled DB snatches to 15#. Tried 20# during the warm-up, but even that was a no-go.
Squats: 17/17/16/16/16/16/16/17 – total 131
Push-ups: 11/8/6/4/12/8/8/11 (first 4 off toes, last 4 off knees)- total 68
Thanks DJ!
3 rounds + 8 snatches
Squats: 19/17/17/16/16/17/17/18 = 137
Push-ups: 16/12/12/10/9/10/9/10 = 88
Total: 225
I think it was 3 rounds even.
Squats: 16/16/15/15/14/14/14/15
Push-ups: 14/10/8/6/6/6/6/4
3 rounds + 8GHD and 3snatches (Used 15lbs as it was the 1st time doing this and my technique was not that great)
Squats: 17/15/15/14/15/14/14/15 = 119
Push ups: 13/11/8/6/6/7/6/6 = 63
Thanks DJ !
Whoops total squats were 130.