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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Complete for time:

CrossFit Games Individual Event # 15

600m Row
90 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Back Rack Walking Lunge – 36 ft. @ 185#/135#
Front Rack Walking Lunge
Overhead Rack Walking Lunge

Coach’s notes:

Post time to complete to comments.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 7

21:45 Rx’d. Narrowly slipped ahead of the double time cap. Used the bike, all singles C2B.
Thanks Syd!

21:28 (maybe 21:58)
45 cals on the bike
C2B rx”d. All sets of three, except for a couple of failed reps late.
Lunges at 115#. Was looking to steal someone’s 95# bar for the overhead lunges, but none were available. Stuck with 115# and they went surprisingly well.
Thanks OG! That was fun.

Plan was to hit off the women’s tee as much as possible. Rxd the row and C2B, 135# on barbell for the first two sets of lunges, then down to 95# for the overhead. Row was somewhere around 2:20, off the pull-up bar around 10min mark I believe… For lunges, tried to take 12 total steps per set, or one full length of the gym. Happy with how this went, spicy sucker. Started 4min late with Brett, so finished at 20:00 even on the clock, for 16:00 total time. Can’t beat being at the gym with friends, great job 9am crew. Missed this!

Thanks OG!

Goal was to see if this one was a possibility for me and I was also going to try for a 2X Games athlete time frame, or 22mins.
Paced everything excessively knowing that the true test is the Overhead walking lunges at the end. Finished the first part (row and pull-ups) in about 1/2 time or 11 mins, then managed to get the rest done as well in “my” time cap.
I was happy with this for me. Rx’d at 21:15.

Orange band C2B – mostly singles
135# – each length unbroken. Right weight for overhead.
Thanks Syd!

I’m on holiday. So I modified everything.

Replaced row with 150 squats. Took 4:40
90 pull ups scaled to ring pull ups which was actually a tree swing. Felt like it took forever. Broke into sets of 10 up to 80 then did 15 and 5.
All lunges I did with a dry log that I think was about 35lbs.

The log could have been way heavier but the lunges were great for my injured feet and toes.

Glad I did the WOD.

Time: 14:37

Nice work making it work while away from the gym David.

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