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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

“Filthy Fifties”

1 Round for time:


50 Box Jump, 24 inch box

50 Jumping Pull-ups

50 KB Swings, 1 pood

50 Walking Lunges

50 Knees to Elbows

50 Push Press, 45 lbs

50 Back Extensions

50 Wallballs, 20/14 lbs ball

50 Burpees

50 Double Unders

Coach’s notes:  Here’s another chance to get on the board!  Post time to complete to comments.

Compare to April 20, 2010

Comments: 10

34:13 as Rx for the first time!
Thanks for all your encouragement today Michelle!

Did a different WOD today 5 Squat Clean Thrusters 95lbs 10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 5 rounds. 8:18 as rx’d, thanks for doing that one with me Stacey. Want to say a BIG congrats to Sarah for kicking butt on her first rx’d Filthy Fifties. You did awesome!!!

As Rx’d. 37:27.
Improvement in the area of DU and Knees to elbow would easly allow me to shave 7 minutes off!

Excuse me Colleen if this is real late, but it’s been a while since I saw you so way to go on that chin up!

32:46 almost as prescribed. Knees were pretty close to elbows but not close enough. Need to practice.

Great class everyone, thanks Kris.

37:44 as Rx’d
Was doing great until I was part way into the wallballs and met Pukie the Clown.
Didn’t go well after that, except I hit a new PR with DU(46). Go figure!

35:12 terrible!

28:28 as rx’d

I think that might be a pb, so makes me happy even though it hurt… a lot. That has woken me up from my vacation fog! 😉

Nice job everyone!

32.41 as R’xd
Pre double unders i was at 26.40. Goning to keep it positive – “I f*#%ing love double unders”.

We did this in the YMCA WOD today:

There is no pullup bar access, so we subbed SDHP for jumping pullups and situps for knees to elbows.

I PR’ed consecutive double-unders at 14!

Burpees killed me.


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