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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


 CFC Kids

1 round for time:

2000 m Row

150 Sit-Ups

Coach’s notes:  Post time to complete to comments.

Compare to July 3, 2008

A new session for CrossFit Kids started yesterday. Click here for more details and how to register.

Comments: 7

Oh my, I’ve been mulling over a good WOD for the fire hall tomorrow and this one comes up. It kicked my butt so bad last time I almost feel compelled to give it a go again!

Did 2000 meter run instead of row. 7:43
sit ups were anchored, unbroken. Total time 12:06

As Rx’d
Forget exactly, just under 15 mins

12:17, about 10 seconds faster than last time. Row was about 7:07.9, I think and the sit-ups started getting broken after 50 reps. Tried a more sustainable pace this time but ended up breaking them into 5’s too early (around 80 or so). Way tougher than it looks!

Clean 95 lbs, 15 reps
21 double unders

Thanks for all the help Trevor.

as rx’ed


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