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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

5 Rounds for time:

Run 400m
20 Pull-ups
5 Rope Climbs


Coach’s notes:

Post time to complete to comments.

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Comments: 20

28:45. Rowing due to smoke
5 band assisted pull-ups 5 GHD sit-ups 10 GHD back extensions, 1-2 rope climb attempts.
Thanks Colin!

Scaled the pull-ups to 10, otherwise as Rx’d
Nice work 7am crew – and welcome to all the visitors!

Assault Bike instead of run due to smoke
Pull ups RXd
3 rope climbs first 2 rounds, 2 rope climbs for the last 3 rounds

Great mobility warm up Todd

All climbs touch to beam, no chalk entire workout, white rope (except 2 due to room). Remember that training is your opportunity to challenge YOUR highest standards, which makes for easier life (and competition, if that is your thing).

26:05 as rx’d. Didn’t push any one element just tried to keep it consistent. Thanks Todd:)

31:17 – scaled pull-ups to 10 per round as per Colin’s advice. Probably a wise move. Great push 7AM!

Scaled rope climbs to 2 per round
Thanks Todd!

Scaled 34:38 something like that.
5 rounds
400 m run
10 Pull ups (5 pull ups on rounds 4 & 5)
2 Rope climbs (3 on round 1)
Great job 5 pm!

That was tough.
4 pull-ups short of 5 rounds.
32:00 (may have been 33:00)
– substituted rowing for the run.
– pull-ups and rope climbs rx’d.
Thanks Tania and Jay

Scaled to 4 rounds of:
400m run
10 pull ups
3 rope climbs
Thanks Jay and Tania!

Rnd 1 – 400 m, 20, 5 – 6:19
Rnd 2 – 400 m, 16, 4 – 7:40
Rnd 3 – 400 m, 12, 2.9 – 7:10
Rnd 4 – 400 m, 8, 2 – 6:31
Rnd 5 – 400 m, 4, 1 – 4:33

Average of 5 rounds of 400 m, 12 PU, 3 RC – 32:13

Went a little something like this:
Round 1:
20 cal Air Bike
15 Pull-ups (3-3-3-3-3)
3 Rop Climbs (top to the blue bar)

Round 2:
20 cal Air Bike
15 Pull-ups (3-3-3-3-3)
3 Rop Climbs (top to the blue bar)

Round 3:
20 cal Air Bike
15 Pull-ups (3-3-2-2-1-1-1-1-1)
3 Rop Climbs (to the black coupling)

Round 4:
20 cal Air Bike
12 pull-ups (singles)
3 Rop Climbs (top to the blue bar)

Went a little something like this:
Round 1:
20 cal Air Bike
15 Pull-ups (3-3-3-3-3)
3 Rop Climbs (top to the blue bar)

Round 2:
20 cal Air Bike
15 Pull-ups (3-3-3-3-3)
3 Rope Climbs (top to the blue bar)

Round 3:
20 cal Air Bike
15 Pull-ups (3-3-2-2-1-1-1-1-1)
3 Rope Climbs (to the black coupling)

Round 4:
20 cal Air Bike
12 pull-ups (singles)
2 Rope Climbs (top to the blue bar/coupling)

Round 5:
20 cal Air Bike
10 Pull-ups (singles)
1 Rope Climbs (top to the blue bar)

This fell apart quickly and had nothing left in my arms by the end of the 3rd round

Thanks Jason and TNash!

31:15 as Rx’d, this was a bit of an ego crusher.

As usual this was a mental battle between me and the rope, get back on the rope! Actually had a few pulls properly with my legs which is exciting.

Thanks Jason and Tania.

24:38 perscribed. I don’t know how you did this one without chalk Coach, I used a lot! Good push at the 6pm class.
Thanks Jason and Tania

Correction, I was 4 rope climbs short of 5 rounds, not pull-ups. I completed all of the pull-ups.

I was the only person in for the 7pm class.
15 pull-ups and 4 rope climbs per round
good suggestion on the scale Jason
And thanks for runners my with me Tania!

Running with me*

Forgot to look at the clock… 35:00?? Rowed instead of running, blue band for pull ups (10 per round), 2 rope climb attempts per round. Thanks Jay, Tania and Sarah

This one hurt after 3 weeks off!
12 pull ups for rounds 1-3 and 10’s for 4 and 5
2 rope climbs each round – only once to the top, varying heights afterward but minimum 1/2 way each time
runs as prescribed – subbed rowing in round 5 – smoke was getting to me
Thanks Jay and Tania

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