Tuesday, August 24, 2021
A. As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 10 minutes of:
3 Burpees Box Jump Overs – 24”/20”
3 Deadlift – 225#/155#
6 Burpees Box Jump Overs – 24”/20”
6 Deadlift – 225#/155#
9 Burpees Box Jump Overs – 24”/20”
9 Deadlift – 225#/155#
*Continue adding 3 reps per movement each round.
B. Practice handstand walking/holds with ALL the time remaining😉
Coach’s notes:
Post rounds and reps complete for couplet and notes for handstand practice to comments.
WOD Leaderboard
Used 155lbs
24” Box
Intention: Give my injured feet a test. See how they feel 3 hours later. I was a little nervous. I jumped and landed up to 9, then varied my jumps with step downs and hops. It was a good weight for getting used to deadlifts again. I really liked this WOD. My feet didn’t swell up like balloons afterward so HUGE success for me. I got to 18 reps and felt I was ready for more speed. Nice.
Made it 11 burpees into the round of 18.
Thanks Syd!
5 burpees in round of 18
Reward: Fran lung and suspiciously shaking rump muscles.
Doesn’t sound suspicious to me