Tuesday, August 18, 2009
5 Rounds for time:
1 Rope Climb
5 HSPU’s
10 Toes to Bar
15 Burpees
20 Med Ball Cleans
Coach’s notes: If you do not have rope, substitute 15 towel pull-ups. HSPU’s are crown to floor. For cleans guys use 20lbs and gals 14lbs. Post time to complete and any substitutions to comments.
6 a.m. for time WOW
100 DU
50 Box jumps A=12″ R=18″
100 ft walking lunges
50 KB swings A= .7 R=1.5
50 situps
50 DB hang power clean A=20lbs R=25lbs
800 metre run
50 back extensions
A= 21:42 R=21:24
It was a chipper all right. We felt like we had been hit repeatedly, with a bat.
Thanks James
Rope climbs from floor, handstand pushups as Rxd, med ball cleans with 20#ball
23:11. Rope climbs much tougher from floor, med ball cleans and burpees pretty much unbroken, handstand pushups unbroken 2 rds, others done in 2 and 1s. Shoulders were pretty darn cooked by the end of this
24:45 with substitution
rope climb to ceiling except last two rounds about 4 feet or so from top, I stopped and did not feel I could get there “safely”. HSPU blue and green band harness ( sore rt shoulder still hurts therefore did not use the two blues as usual.) The rest were as Rx. burpees are yuck.
Rope Climbs were from standing position got to approximately a foot from top. HSPU’s just lowered down to ab mat. Otherwise as rx’d 30:58. Good workout Brett.
Neil 44:23 – subs 15 towel pull-ups, HSPU blue and green band harness – rest as RX
Judy 49:55 – subs 15 towel pull-ups, HSPU green band harness – rest as RX.
34:11 sub’d 15 towel pull ups and band assisted HSPU’s rest as Rx’d
27:55 with rope climb from standing and green-blue band assist HSPUs.
Burpees and med ball cleans were definitely the worst part. It has been a week since the box jump/burpee workout, but it still feels like I’ve done a ton of burpees lately.
Completed ONLY 3 rounds in 32:?? – I had to stop to take SPEEDY GONZALES, I mean Liz to the airport, otherwise I would have been done at 9 and she would have missed her flight! Subbed 15 pull ups for rope climb and band assisted HSPU. My first round of pull ups I was able to do complete 9 in a row and then it went quickly down hill. I need to practice all exercises which involve hanging from a bar.
I’ve been really scared to try a rope climb to the high ceilings at CFC, but today felt like the right time to try it. Thanks to Mack for the ‘encouragement’!
52:03 (really, that’s the time) as Rx’d (rope climbs from the floor)
rested about 1 minute between the med ball cleans and rope climbs, but it was the HSPU’s that took FOREVER…Lots of rest to minimize failures and still lots of failures. Failed on the last hspu of last round 3x and waited about 4 min. then finally got it.
37:35 as rx’d as possible!! 🙂 HSPU with Brett’s help after the second round and Rope climbs from standing just because as I don’t have a problem with that. Laizy I guess. Wore soccer pads to climb and crocs.
DNF. Stopped at about 36 min mark with something uncomfortable going on in my low back. I think too much swing in the toes to (approximate vicinity of) bar without keeping core tight.
Was into 4th round. Subbed 15 towel jumping pull ups for rope climb and band (blue and green) assisted HSPU.
Very hard workout.
Just wanted to drop a note…..two law enforcement types from Massachusetts have been following CFC for three weeks now and damn we are painfully and humbly impressed. We are staying with you……keep up the excellent programming because you are keeping us prepared for the unknowable.
Steven Male/45 yoa, 6’2, 180 …..Did this workout in 29.11. 15 foot rope (thats all we have), but used no legs, HSPU w/rubber band everything else Rx’d.
Saw STARS in 90 % humid heat
P.S. I keep my workouts on http://www.noscrolls.com (user name: jaider64 (ease of use , good searches and can follow friends workouts for bragging rights over a cold Paleo Beer). Yeah I know, Paleolithic man/woman didn’t have beer, but they didn’t have bumper plates neither.
Keep up the good work we appreciate it sincerely
Steven M from Massachusetts