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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Complete for time:

100 Toes to Bar
*For Every break complete 7 Deadlift – 225#/155#
100 Wallballs – 20#/14#
*For every break perform 5 Overhead Squats – 135#/95#
100 Hip Extension
*For every break perform 50 Double Unders

Coach’s notes:

Complete in any order, post number of sets to complete each movement and time to complete workout to comments.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 8

Coach, what ever it was, I’m sorry, I’ll never do it again

This was brutal. 27min. This WOD scared me.

I followed the order of the workout on the board. I set a goal to do 5-10 more reps than what I set for myself at the beginning of the WOD. I need to change some unproductive habits or I’ll never improve like I want to.

I was going to do 5 sets of 20 for wall balls. I changed that to 25,25,15,35 and used 75lbs for OH squats. My transitions were terrible but I managed to hold a consistent pace. The OH squats took me to the edge. I learned about pacing in a sloppy way.

My injured feet needed to jump over the rope to rise to a greater challenge than without the rope. My courage to jump is better. I began with a 4×25 plan for extensions but changed it to 25,25,50. I’m happy I pushed myself to do more even with some sloppy reps. The post-WOD coaching review was affirming after feeling a little uncertain about my approach today.

A crazy workout to manage. I have lots to learn. I surprised myself today. It went beyond my expectations. Stepped into new mental territory. Thanks for challenging me, coaches.

Felt a lot sluggish today, so went in with the mentality to just patiently chip away. This is a challenging, some may say daunting WOD…………….choose appropriate scales and have fun!!!!!! As David said above lots to learn about ourselves today…..

33:00 – scale city.
In the order written.
T2B/deadlifts – this part took 12:00. T2B rx’d, DL at 185#.
Wallballs/OHS – wallballs @ 18# and did 5 sets of 20. OHS 65/65/95/95 (started lighter to warmup the squat some more, and then increased the load).
Hips Extension/DU’s – 4 sets in total. 0:45 of singles for the penalties. Glad I did these last. Hip extensions would have messed everything else up more than everything else would have messed those up.
Thanks OG!

20 OHS at 95#

17/12 T2B with 225# DL
12/12 Knee Raises with 225# DL
Then broken sets of knee raises to 75 with no DL

Switched to banded good mornings – 4×25 with all DU unbroken after two trips on the initial go.

Then back to finish my 25 knee raises

Low back fubar’d. Goal achieved though to push the comfort level on the WB/OHS. The rest was going to suck no matter what.

35:15 / Also scale city as Derek put it

After we had our class chat I was thinking about my “habits” in workouts and I think I consistently underestimate how much I can do. Lesson I learned from this one is: don’t go too hot out of the gate but also don’t hold yourself back too much. I went too hot out with the T2B but then did really short sets of wall balls when I probably could’ve done more. Learning to find the happy medium.

P.S. I’m already sore and it’s not even tomorrow yet. 🙃

TTB finished at 12:40ish (20/20/14/don’t remember, ? Penalties)
Back extensions finished at 20:00ish (40/30/20/10, 3 penalties)
WBs finished 29:43. (35/30/22/13, 3 penalties)
Thanks Kim/Derek!

WB/OHS – 20#, 95#, 25/20/15/15/15/10. Not as bad as I thought they’d be
T2B/DL – 25/15/15/15/15/10/5, exactly as bad as I thought they’d be. Grip was gone fast.
Hip Extension/ DU – 25/20/20/20/15, solid decision to do this last
40 something
Thanks Kimmer/Derek!

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