Tuesday, August 12, 2008
As many rounds in twenty minutes:
5 L Pull-ups
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDLHP)
15 Push Press
Coach’s notes: Guys use 65lbs. and gals use 45 lbs. for SDLHP and push press. Post rounds complete to comments.
IMPORTANT NOTICE!!! Our website is currently undergoing some server construction to serve you better. During this process, we cannot post any new WODs until the changes are complete. Therefore, Saturday’s to Tuesday’s WODs will all be posted under Friday’s date. This will not affect how you may be able to post your comments, just how you view the WODs. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Sub’d negative pu’s instead. Total rounds were 5 + 5 pu’s & 10 SDLHP’s. Tough WOD…shoulder work isn’t my favorite. Finished off w/ 20 min on the Eliptical doing interval training.
As Rx’d
5 rounds + 5 L PU’s
Rx’d w/ pullups @ 90′ elbow flexion
11 rounds + 5 pullups
gueling and kinda ugly workout but very good!
people in the gym think I am a total freak!
did this one at the gym during the 5:00 rush, so didn’t bother to time myself, because i kept getting interrupted. 10 rounds, plus did 9 kipping chin-ups in warm-up, most ever!
Sub’d kipping pullups for L pullups
7 rounds +4 pu
As Rx’d
9 rounds + 5 L PU’s
As Rx’d
12 + 3
DJ – 7 rounds plus 2 pull ups (pull ups were mostly with knees bent above parallel, some were L- pull ups)
Brittany – 8 rounds plus 5 pulls ups (Kipping pull ups)
As rx’d
7rounds +3 pu’s
as rx’d
8 rounds + 5 L-ups + 6 SDLHP
Still recovering from the whole 125 km Death Race!