Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Complete 5 rounds for reps of:
1:00 Double Milk Jug Dowel Overhead Switch Lunges
1:00 Front Plank Hip Touches
1:00 Double Milk Jug Get-ups
1:00 Supine Windshield Wipers
1:00 REST
Outside at Robert Thirsk
For time complete 2 rounds of:
Full Field Medicine Ball Sideways Toss (1/2 each side)
Full Field Overhead Medicine Ball Carry
100 Medicine Ball Cleans
100 Medicine Ball Shoulder to Overhead
Then, complete 2 rounds of:
Full Field Medicine Ball Overhead Toss
Full Field Medicine Ball Bear Crawl
Coach’s notes:
Post reps complete per movement, per round and all totals for Zoom WOD and time to complete outside WOD to comments.
WOD Leaderboard
Zoom WOD
So glad I get to workout! Major sweat puddle WOD.
My heart, core and shoulders were so jacked after the DMJ switch lunges, the planks (and everything else) became brutal.
Lunges: R1:41 R2:32? R3:25 R4:30 R5:35 OMG!!
Used both jugs entire time: so nasty
Plank hip touches: 40-50 average
Alternated shoulder and hip touches until shoulders gave out.
Had to work really hard to control my breathing during the get ups. I did 3 quick and smooth then two with pauses at the top. Did 15-16 reps. Getting better at these with my core being so tired.
The wipers were not restful. I alternated between knees bent and legs extended. Did 40-50 on average. Round 5 I squeezed out 32.
That one min rest was enough time to visualize just how awful-awesome the next round of lunges was going to be.
Wow. Thanks Josh.
Super effective workout Brett. Killah!! Loved it.