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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Back Squat  – 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

Coach’s notes:  Post loads for all sets to comments.

Compare to September 10, 2009

Comments: 13

6am Class: 5 Rounds of 100 Double Unders, 20 Burpies, 3 min rest. 30:43 inc rest.
I am typing this with my toes because my arms fell off half-way through the DUs.

Adelle, your DUs are unreal. Good work Cory. Thx DJ and Colin!

At 6 a.m. as above “Amanda” but she is not on the board.
Total time 28:55
2:54, 3:22, 3:30, 3:35, 3:25 with the breaks taken out.
It was one of those pukey ones, I guess that’s why they call them burpees.
Way to push out those last burpies Meredith. Corey keep working those DU’s they are coming…
Thanks DJ and Colin.

Ysterday’s at lunch

A. 135×5/155×5/165×3/165×3/165x 2
B. 12/11/8/7/6 bar dips (still hard)
C. 91 (would have been 100 for sure at CFC )

A. Push Press – 3-5 reps x 5 sets @21×1, rest 2:00
B. Ring Dips – AMRAP in 20 seconds x 5 sets, rest 2:00
C. Bench Press – AMRAP x 1 set
Coach’s notes: Guys use 45 lbs and gals 30 lbs for bench press. There must be no pause in movement or the set is done.

Felt good to be back at the gym after a 5 week layoff.
Thanks Brett.

Worked up to 215 x 2, got 1 rep at 220.

85/90/95/100/105/110/110*1 Butt to heels This made Brett Excited. Thanks for the encouragement!

Did this one at home:

Neil 115/135/155/175/195/215×1
Post WOD 115#x10/155×8
Judy 75/85/95/105/115(f)/115×1

post wod sb 155×10 / 155×8

Worked up to 285 for doubles with acceptable depth.
305, 320, and 320 for singles Failed to get low enough (although very, very close) for the reps to count
Video replay was inconclusive and did warrant overturning Brett’s live call.
Except for the getting low problem the weight felt as though there was more in the tank once I master the flexibility with some “hot yoga” moves.

185×2/225×2/235×2/245×2/265×2/275×1 bailed on the last one.
As with the post above, video revealed smirk caused load to be dumped onto the floor eliminating any possibility of recovering lift.
Note to self: Do not start laughing while in the bottom!

Neil 115/135/155/175/185/200/205 (f)
post wod sb 155×7 / 155×7
Sorry Neal I did not help clean up!! Got distracted 🙂
Next time you can sit and relax while I do all the work

125X2, 135X2, 145X2, 155X2, 165X2(PB), 175X2(PB), 185X2 (PB)

Had lots of fun with this wod. Great work today Lori!!!

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